Feel like giving up

on 6/19/14 7:41 am

I have now been waiting over 10 weeks for a surgery date. I met the surgeon on April 8th and signed my consent form that day.  They are not having any surgeries the last week in July and the first week in August so if I do not get a date soon I will have to wait a further 2 weeks.  When I spoke with the nurse last night I told her how hard the process is emotionally and how it has put many things in my life on hold.  She actually was pretty understanding and compassionate.  Actually up until now everyone I have seen at the Civic has been professional and good.  Its the scheduling part that has been hellish. 

on 6/18/14 2:21 pm

They don't sound very compassionate. I'm waiting for my surgery date too...but I'm being kept busy with nutrition classes. I know how you feel ,the waiting is hard. I wish you luck.

on 6/18/14 9:30 pm

Thank you, I find keeping busy helps too. I have already taken all the classes, met the surgeon, and have been waiting for a surgery date now for 9 weeks. It is exhausting and now this incident just makes it even harder.

on 6/19/14 11:07 am

Man I just can't imagine. Please let me know when you get a new date (what about a new doctor)

on 6/18/14 9:15 pm

Hi Zizzler

I am so sorry this happened to you.....

So....now what.....if it were me....I would not call and complain at this point....get what you want first....then complain to the patient advocate once surgery is complete and it you feel you want to

From the apology you received from the nurse practitioner...it sounds like she likely knows "Lana" flies off the hook at times......and it sounds like you will get your surgery date soon....

Hang in there.....cry as long as you feel you need to....then get back to business.....and wait for your date

I am not sure how long it takes after you meet the surgeon to receive your date....it may depend on when they receive their OR hours per quarter...( and I am guessing on this).....and this may mean waiting until July to hear.....

I have told you before how impressed I am by your willingness to change habits.....don't give up and try not to eat your feelings......

All the best







on 6/18/14 9:43 pm

Thank you for the advice, it makes sense to me. I hope you are right about getting a date soon. Put some frozen peas on my eyes this morning and they are a little less swollen. Going to try to get back to living in the present as much as possible.

on 6/18/14 10:39 pm - Canada

That is so unprofessional and condescending!  Look, I called regularly for new appointments and cancellations so if you have a neurological condition so do I.

I agree with many on here.....make a complaint! You don't deserve this type of abuse and you shouldn't allow it. In addition, making an official complaint will protect you from her putting off appointments as she will then be under scrutiny herself. Take care and remember you did nothing wrong.


             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



on 6/19/14 7:54 am

Thank you, I am going to wait a little until I am calm and then make a decision about how to proceed with regard to complaints.

on 6/19/14 3:23 am

 I'm so sorry to hear that they called you for calling the office too frequently.  I know their voice mail says that they are sheduling 3-4 months out so maybe they expect people to simply rely on that information and only contact them after that date.  Unless they told you expressly not to call, I can't imagine why they would complain.


If it helps any, I think the Ottawa scheduling is right on track.  I was able from the posts on this site to more or less pinpoint when I would be called - and actually they called me and gave me a surgery date earlier than I expected.  I met with the surgeon on March 20th and was called this Monday June 16th (3 months) with my surgery date on July 16th which was the earliest date they had available.  They still had spots for July 17th and 18th open.  I know when I met the surgeon there were at least 6 other people also meeting the surgeon on that date - in fact everyone in my class my the surgeon that day and I met several others in the waiting room I hadn't met before.  I think sometimes its hard to appreciate just how many people are waiting for surgery - most don't post on these sites or attend the support groups.  I believe they are typically approving 20+ people a week for surgery in Ottawa.

Based on the scheduling of Amber and Julie who met the surgeon before me (March 18th) I wasn't expecting a call until late this week or next week.

If you met the surgeon in April, I would guess you have at least 2-4 weeks more waiting to go.  Take a deep breath, relax and know that the hospital staff - no matter how frustrated they get - still have to act professionally.  Your turn will come. 

on 6/19/14 8:03 am

Glad to hear your experience has been nice and smooth.  I met the surgeon on April 8th so another few weeks would be my estimate as to when I should logically receive a call. 

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