My Rant

on 6/17/14 10:05 pm - Canada

Which one was it?  I had a horrible experience with the first dietician I met @ HRRH.  She criticized me even though I had lost 25lbs on my own since orientation, told me I was using my body as a garbage can.   Told me not to eat fat free cream cheese but I should have a slice of toast and and peanut butter before bed!?!?.   

She held me back additional month... Had me in tears that day before I even met the social worker.  

When I went back the following month I met different much more experienced dietician and social worker.  Passed with flying colours... The look on their face when I told them what the one advices me.

today I go back for my one month ... Fingers crossed I meet with the good one. 

call the office manager... I wish I had of. 


 SURGERY @ HRRH with Dr STARR on May 23/14 >>ORIENTATION WEIGHT 372lbs // OPTIFAST START WEIGHT 334lbs // SURGERY WEIGHT  319 lbs  // 3 MOS POST-OP 261lbs


on 6/17/14 10:20 pm - Canada

This makes me so angry. Almost exactly what happened to me, except I didn't see anything about crying in the clinic bathroom after. For me it was a bagel. My food log showed a bagel one day and she went off on me. Made me feel horrible. Everything was delayed by months more after waiting 2 years just to get an orientation. In the end I just went back that NUT was not there got a different one and she didn't even understand why I was delayed. Told her about the bagel. She was like, ahhh okay. They just don't get it. I wish they were all people that have had a weight problem that worked there

Laurie C.
on 6/18/14 3:38 am - Collingwood, ON, Canada


I totally hated her also.  She kept me back a month because she wanted me to eat more vegetables--like parsnip, turnip etc.  I had to keep a log also but to be honest I just lied  about the vegetables. 

I will say however, that she was the first to recognize my need for more carbs and she was excellent with my husband with his renal difficulties and diet.

So Who The F&^ Knows, maybe she's got good points and we got her on a bad day.  I certainly was pissed tho', I cursed her all the way home.



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


Onward and

on 6/18/14 12:42 pm, edited 6/18/14 12:45 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Wow, that's really awful.  Definitely make a complaint. And if you don't get any satisfaction, go to your MPP. Seriously. Ramp it up, because that's ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason to delay or deny your surgery. Call them and demand that they keep your surgeon appointment date where it is and that you want to continue the process on schedule. I'm furious on your behalf! 

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Onward and

on 6/18/14 12:47 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

And furthermore! By her standards, none of us "needs" surgery because we all know what we're SUPPOSED to put in our mouths and what we're not supposed to put there.  What a frigging idiot.  That makes me so angry. Everyone should just salad their way to weight loss heaven, right?

What a moron. She should NOT be working for a bariatric program!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 6/19/14 2:33 pm - Canada

this may not be a popular reply, but I feel pretty strongly that the dieticians involved with the bariatric clinics in Ontario do not have adequate training in the matters of metabolic disorders... in fact if thier theories about just simply eating differently worked not one of them would be employed because there would be no need for a bariatric registry.

My advice seriously is to educated yourself to the letter on what you need to do to loose the weight before and after the surgery and in the mean time, when having dealings with the dieticians figure out what it is that they want to hear and lay it on thick... even go so far as to appeal to thier sense of information superiority and ask them for help and direction and pretend to soak all their wisdom up. This is what they need to "know" that you are prepared for surgery. 

While I don't think it is wise to lie, in an instance like this... modify your journals to reflect what they want to see... just so long as you have a grounding in what you really need to do through this whole process... 

this process stinks and I feel like a pig in a parade... jumping through hoops... i find the whole approval process subjective and insensitive, and a bit like we are being factory farmed... I have to say, I am doing what I need to get what I want... then when I get what I want... I am going to weigh in on this whole wretched process with the powers that be...

there that is my rant... thanks for listening!


And Chin up... at least you are in the process!

                Love from Kitkat from Ontario, Canada
~~~Pain is weakness leaving the Body~~~
            The way you view the future determines the life you life today

                 Namaste! Peace! And may blessings abound!

on 6/20/14 1:27 am - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12

I love your statement - "like a pig in a parade." That is the perfect way of putting it. That's exactly how I felt during the process. I am inclined to agree with you about their training. They seemed to push a high-carb diet, although the emphasis is on fresh, whole foods. If I have learned nothing else about nutrition in this process, it is that I am very sensitive to carbs and eating lower carb not only helps me feel best but that is how I lost weight the best. They were not very receptive to low-carb eating.



Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

on 6/20/14 1:24 am - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12

I am sorry that happened to you. Was it Roshni? I have a feeling it was.

My appointment with her was AWFUL. She said many of the same things to me. I felt like everything I said she twisted and made me feel stupid and really horrible about myself. I went in with the idea that I was being completely honest about my current eating and looking for help and suggestions. She held me back 3 months. When I left the office I was really, really bummed and I will admit I cried about it.

For example - I told her about how I had been making an effort to eat breakfast every day. I was always a breakfast skipper. I said I kept things in the house I could grab and go quickly so I wouldn't miss a meal (i.e. easy to bring fruit like bananas and apples, yogurt, hardboiled egg, etc). This is opposed to things that might take a little more time to prepare (i.e. cooking an egg). She said that was not good enough, that once I had surgery I would not be able to "grab and go" and I would need at least an hour to eat each meal post-op. So, basically I said I was making an effort to have healthy foods on hand that are easy to eat, and she went off an a tangent about something else. I just thought WTF?!

Don't cancel your appointment with your surgeon. My strategy for the follow up meeting was to parrot back all the things she told me to do and otherwise keep my mouth shut unless explicitly asked about something. I said what I thought she wanted to hear. I just wanted to be approved. Her little power trip meant my surgeon booked out quite far ahead - delaying me another 3 months.

Oh, and I've never taken an hour to eat a meal. Not even day #1. And keeping healthy foods on hand that are easy to grab is one of the reasons I have been successful and enables me to make good choices most of the time. I always have cut up veggies/fruit, quick meals in the freezer, yogurt, turkey pepperettes, etc on hand so I can always make a good choice even when I am busy. Why she crapped all over that I have no idea.

I think you are making good choices. Frozen, processed foods aren't the best choices but I think you are on the right track of getting in the habit of bringing your meal to work and choosing something that is lower-cal. Bringing fuits and veggies is awesome. Giving up pop, double awesome. It is a good step in the right direction. PM me if you need to vent some more.


Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

on 6/20/14 11:03 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 10/07/14

Thanks. All the replies make me feel so much better about this. People need to report her. She has no business working with anyone that is overweigh. Clearly she just doesn't understand. I don't always eat frozen dinners for lunch. One day I had logged a tuna sandwich and she was upset it didn't have lettuce on it. Thanks again.


Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass On October 7,2014 with Dr. Hagen   


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