
on 6/17/14 7:08 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

For my 6 mth post op I got shingles

Not absorbing all my vitimins, taking them by the book also!

still loosing hair like crazy. No new growth yet.

I'm a hair away from 90 lbs gone

but zero energy to exercise.

Now I have shingles. Doctor says my immune system is is distress. Tomorrow I get iron via IV and b12 shot to help boost me. 

Im a hurting unit. 

But surprising enough.. I don't feel boom and gloom. Maybe I'm in shock? Lol just have to laugh at this.. What's next? 

Shingles at 36? Smh


 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


Karen M.
on 6/17/14 7:23 am - Mississauga, Canada

Quite frankly, I don't think it has anything to do with WLS. Perhaps it has to do with having major surgery, but not WLS specifically. Shingles is a form of chicken pox, which is a form of herpes. The faster you get treatment, the better.

I get iron infusions as well - don't know if it has anything to do with the RNY, but happy to get them whatever the reason. I also take b12 shots monthly, did before surgery too due to pernicious anemia. Oh well. Whatever works.

Sometimes life deals us **** despite how faithful and committed we are to improving our health. I'm a star example of just that. Despite eating WELL, being of a healthy weight, taking vitamins religiously, it didn't seem to matter last year when I wa**** with severe liver failure. Did I blame it on my RNY? No. I blamed it on nature doing it what it does.

Feel better.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/17/14 7:35 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

My doctor says it's cause my immune system is in distress, as I stated in my previous message.

He believes the fact my iron is so low, and not absorbing my vitamins and minerals part of the reason why it is. 

I am aware of what Shingles is and taking antivirals meds, cream and a steroid to help w the healing. That my doctor prescripted to me. That was when he stated his concerns of my blood work. The Chicken pox virus is reactive when you are under stress and your immune system is weaken

So I do believe the reason why I have this issues because I'm not absorbing what my body needs, and that is because of WLS, because that is what WLS does.  I well aware of what I signed on for when I had the surgery.  I'm just giving newbies a heads up to make sure they take care of themselves post op, cause thing can and will happen to you even if you follow the book by the letter. 




 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


Karen M.
on 6/17/14 7:39 am - Mississauga, Canada

Message received. Feel better.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/17/14 7:43 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

Thanks. Take care


 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


Karen M.
on 6/17/14 7:45 am - Mississauga, Canada

You too. Health issues suck, plain and simple.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/17/14 10:36 am - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

You can get shingles at any age now a days I know so many people that have had them in the last two years. I got them at 6 -7 month after the surgery. Some shingles are also caused by stress as mine was from stress because my vitamins etc. where fine.

If you get to the doctor within 3 days of the outbreak they can give you medication that lessen the symptoms.

As for hair regrowth I didn't notice regrowth till around 11 months.

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 6/17/14 10:46 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

Hi Nanato2

Mine came on by a combo. Major stress and immune system.

Had first sign Friday night, saw doc and got meds on Sunday.  Doing everything they tell me. Just wait and see how long it takes to scan over . I'm not allowed to go to wor****il they do apparently... Lord never wished for scabs so much in my life. Haha


 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


on 6/17/14 12:23 pm - Canada

Nice to read a post of yours it's been a while, I hear you on the low energy thing, and hope this new set back does not keep you from travelling in July.  Wishing you a speedy recovery, and hair growth mine has not begun to get re growth yet and it is very thin.  I have not cut mine short as I wear it up still and that helps hide the loss for now anyway.  Congrats on your weight loss, take care and let us know if the shots and IV iron help......

 Respectfully Jane
on 6/17/14 1:11 pm - Moose Factory, Canada

Do yourself a favor and go get the shingles vaccine ($190)....unless you have a good health plan you have to pay for it yourself but its so worth it....make sure you are over this bout first...can't have active shingles to get it. Hope your feeling better.


Orientation - Feb. 19 & 20/13 - NP,Nut, Psych, - Mar. 14/13 - Sleep Study - Mar. 24/13 - OTN with Dr. Sullivan - June 28/13  On my way!!! Preop Sept 25/13  -  SURGERY OCTOBER 22/13!!!!!!!!

It's not how you start this's how well you finish it...& I plan to finish it with gusto!!!!












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