
on 6/18/14 10:28 am - Vars, Canada

I'm from Ottawa as well as was curious which doctor you are seeing for the panni?  

Thanks and congrats on your hard work :)

Referral:  July 22, 2013, Confirmation:  TBD

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/14 7:46 pm - Ottawa, Canada


I have dr borsuk at the general.

Are you on a waiting list yet for one?

Hes very nice and I heard he's a perfectionist so that must be good.


on 6/19/14 6:11 am - Vars, Canada



no, I am not on any list yet. I have chosen to do the optifast route instead of surgery and I am only on week 2. However, I would like to eventually get my panni removed as when I lost 135 pounds before, it was very bothersome. How long did it take for you to get it covered?  Any info you could share on the whole process would be great!


Thank you so much for getting back to me. 



Referral:  July 22, 2013, Confirmation:  TBD

on 6/16/14 9:55 pm


I had the pannilectomy along with the tightningof the stomach muscles.  My first PS said that it was worth while to tighten the stomach muscles, but the second one (the one who did my double mastectomy) said it was not worth the scar.  In my humble opinion, you would be far, far better off getting the panni removed!  You will have a scar, but it is easily concealed and will fade significantly with time.  The difference is crazy good.  Will you be "deformed"?  Again, in my humble opinion if you have a panni that is hanging that low you will look (and feel) far, far better with the surgery.  Recovery for the panni will not be too bad at all.  Most of the recovery I dealt with stemmed more from the stomach tightening than the panni portion.  I think you should go for it!  Oh, and if your dumb ass friends can't be happy for you losing all that weight then ignore them and stay squarely focused on you and your health!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 6/16/14 10:46 pm
RNY on 10/31/12


I had a panni in March. It went super. The pain was minimal. I was only on pain killers for 2 days. I had drains in for 2 weeks but the scar and results look great. I have pictures on my profile.

I could not afford a tummy tuck either but am very happy with my panni results. Because its just skin removal its less invasive than a tummy tuck and recovery was much faster.

I would get a second opinion because maybe the doctor who told you it would leave you deformed is a doctor who wants you to have a tummy tuck because he wants your money.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



Karen M.
on 6/16/14 11:21 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Your "friends" have no business giving you negative feedback. Anyway.

I had a panniculectomy 1.5 years ago (at the same time as an open hysterectomy) and I'm extremely pleased. I had recurring very sore rashes under it despite everything I tried to avoid them. My scar is barely visible and healed perfectly. I was never interested in plastics really, this was done totally out of medical necessity (I actually had a hysterectomy cancelled on me on the day of it while I was on the table! due to the panni rash). Now, since it looks so good and was generally easy to recover from, a tummy tuck may be in my future, we'll see.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/17/14 1:28 am - Toronto, Canada

I'm only 10 weeks post op so what do I know - but I will say this - just because other people may have had bad experiences with having the pannilectomy doesn't mean that you will.  Everyone is different.  Heck, I was worried about my surgery and all the complications that could arise as a result of having it - all my worries were for nothing - I haven't had any problems (thank goodness).  Everyone is different and what maybe painful for one person might be a walk in the park for another.  I think if you feel that you would feel better by having the procedure done, then you do what you feel you need to do.  And don't worry about what others might be telling you. 

Hope that helps some.  Congrats on the weight loss - that's incredible! As of a few weeks ago, I've lost 82 lbs since the new year - I know I'm down more since the last weigh-in but won't know until my next follow-up.  I refuse to get a scale (for the time being at least).

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/14 7:54 pm, edited 6/18/14 7:56 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Thanks to everyone that replied. I feel better now that I know others experience. The dr feels that because the skin in the pani is so large that I would benefit from it. I never said I was at goal but with a 180 pound weight loss the skin is very bothersome and needs to come off. I hope that I won't look awful after it but the way I see if is it can't look any worse then now. I had a lot of my weight in the middle so trust me when I say it needs to go.

thank you everyone and wish everyone a safe journey


Mary A.
on 6/26/14 12:38 am
On June 19, 2014 at 2:54 AM Pacific Time, Freedom14 wrote:

Thanks to everyone that replied. I feel better now that I know others experience. The dr feels that because the skin in the pani is so large that I would benefit from it. I never said I was at goal but with a 180 pound weight loss the skin is very bothersome and needs to come off. I hope that I won't look awful after it but the way I see if is it can't look any worse then now. I had a lot of my weight in the middle so trust me when I say it needs to go.

thank you everyone and wish everyone a safe journey


my thoughts are that I will be able to wear jeans 2-3 inches smaller after the panni removal...that is a definite plus~!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Mary A.
on 6/26/14 12:27 am, edited 6/26/14 10:57 pm

I don't give a flyin leap about what other people have to do it for yourself, much as you made the final decision to have weight loss surgery.

  You have to be committed and know that the outcome won't be PERFECT..but then again are you planning on posting in a nude pictorial for a men's magazine??  (LOL) long a syou are confident and happy with yourself that is ALL that matters.

I am scheduled to have my panni removal in August....not sure if I will upgrade to a full tummy tuck as it's the cost of a good used car..but that decision will be made shortly..either will be better than what it is now will be easier to get my SPANX on!!!



prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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