What food(s) can you no longer eat after WLS?

on 6/9/14 12:45 am
RNY on 02/04/15

Hi all!  Thanks for replying.  reliena, I am glad things are going well for you.  Could I ask why you got a VSG as opposed to the roux en y? 

Also, could someone tell me what PATTS means?

Karen M.
on 6/9/14 1:04 am - Mississauga, Canada

PATTS - pre-operative testing (well, and "teaching" apparently now - wasn't so when I went through lol)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Robyn R.
on 6/9/14 1:09 am - Bowmanville, Canada
Teaching-you mean they were supposed to teach something rather than tell me to call I have never given up my coffee, in fact when Dr Hagen came to see me the next day in the afternoon I was sitting up sipping my small Timmies.

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14


HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


Karen M.
on 6/9/14 1:13 am - Mississauga, Canada

Haha - yeah. Basically. I had Dr. Hagen too - love him. I actually emailed him out of the blue a couple of years ago to thank him - shocked me, he remembered me ( we didn't have all the follow-up etc. that people have now and I know he's seen thousands of people since me).

Need to take new photos and email him again. He may be interested that an 8.5 post-operative patient is still doing well.

I hope you had a good experience?



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 6/9/14 8:29 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

Sure Dreamy, I'm always up for questions! I had a VSG because I have a history of Crohn's disease (which could recur at any time, and may require NSAIDS and other slow-acting drugs) but especially because I had parts of my small and large intestine (the terminal ileum and the sigmoid colon) removed in 2005 due to the Crohn's. I couldn't lose any more absorption area in my tract! RNY was never a possibility after that. In fact, until I heard about the VSG a year ago, I thought I was doomed to yo-yo on diets forever! A random Google search saved my life.

However, if you don't have a medical reason for a VSG, you are going to be assigned RNY. At least if you want it to be funded by OHIP.

Referral 08/13, Orientation TWH 09/18/13, SW 09/26/13, NP 09/26/13, Surgeon Appt 12/13/13, MRI 01/06/14, Nut Class 01/14/14, Nut 01/20/14, Scopes 02/21/14, Psych 02/25/14, Dr. Urbach 03/28/14, PATTS 04/15/14, SURGERY 05/06/14!!! 

on 6/9/14 1:25 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

For me it was trying things. Eggs often, especially scrambled do not agree with me. All meat must be moist. For some reason chicken breasts even with sauce does not always agree with me but thighs do.





on 6/9/14 4:54 am - Ottawa, Canada

I'm okay with most foods.  Won't really touch anything deep fried or full of fat.  The thought makes me sqeamish.  I've had a couple of french fries here and there...but again, it's not really palatable to me...and i'm very thankful for that. 

I wasn't a "sweets" person prior to surgery, but sugar does give me such a buzz now (like I feel it immediately in a dangerous wonderful way)...I have to be very careful.  But on the other hand, too much of it will cause me to dump.  I've only had two or three episodes -- twice eating overly sweet fruit (an apple and, more recently, pinneapple), and once eating one too many Christmas cookies (I totally deserved that one!).  I'm usually good with fruit, but now I know that if the fruit I'm eating is super-sweet, then I have to limit how much of it I eat (so half of the apple instead of a whole one).

Otherwise, I can eat most things in limited quantities.










Mary A.
on 6/12/14 12:04 am
On June 9, 2014 at 11:54 AM Pacific Time, Delicious_Delilah wrote:

I'm okay with most foods.  Won't really touch anything deep fried or full of fat.  The thought makes me sqeamish.  I've had a couple of french fries here and there...but again, it's not really palatable to me...and i'm very thankful for that. 

I wasn't a "sweets" person prior to surgery, but sugar does give me such a buzz now (like I feel it immediately in a dangerous wonderful way)...I have to be very careful.  But on the other hand, too much of it will cause me to dump.  I've only had two or three episodes -- twice eating overly sweet fruit (an apple and, more recently, pinneapple), and once eating one too many Christmas cookies (I totally deserved that one!).  I'm usually good with fruit, but now I know that if the fruit I'm eating is super-sweet, then I have to limit how much of it I eat (so half of the apple instead of a whole one).

Otherwise, I can eat most things in limited quantities.


thanks for your brutal honesty, I would never have touched cheesecake or went back for another piece of chocolate prior to surgery..but now I have to steer clear of it altogether or (1) piece is not enough!.  I can portion potato chips (which used to be my weakness) prior to surgery...but not chocolate or sugary treats.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 6/9/14 9:40 am - Canada

I am 4 years out and I can not do gravy, anything deep fried or high in sugar. I sometimes can do eggs and other times no way. I have trouble with pasta but I am finding if it is done in a white sauce I can have it. There are other things that I can eat one day but the next day forget it. I never did drink coffee  so can not help you there

on 6/9/14 12:32 pm
RNY on 02/04/15

Thank you everyone for your replies.  This is really helpful for me!  xoxo

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