Picture taking ?

on 6/7/14 11:57 am - Canada

Has everybody taken a picture before their surgery? Is it mandatory? I hate pictures being taken of myself and really do not want everybody to see me at my worst


on 6/7/14 12:05 pm - Alfred, Canada

Yes I did, and I'm same I hate pictures of me, but I wanted to see before and after and will be proud to show anyone the pics.





on 6/7/14 12:08 pm - Oshawa, Canada

No it is not mandatory, my husband wanted to take some pics of me. I said "why, I hate how I look" but then he said how amazed I would be when I saw the before and after (I lost all my excess weight)

A lot of people do it , some to remember their old selves, some to motivate them to never get that size again, lots of different reasons. It is a totally personal decision

HRRH -Orientation Nov  25, Dr. Sohi Jan 17, RN,SW,Dietician Feb 19, Dr Glazer Mar 5, Dr Sohi March 12. Surgery May 28th



on 6/7/14 7:47 pm - Oshawa, Canada

As SellarsGal said above, I did before pictures.  I am down 80+ lbs now and I periodically look at the old photo's and my blog to remind how I looked and felt before surgery.  

Ref Jul 4, 2012,  Orientation Aug 27,  Surgeon Aug 31, RD Sept 18,  SW RD & RN Oct 18, Internist Nov 5, Surgeon Nov 21,  PATTS Nov 29, Surgery Dec 14,2012 (HRRH - Dr Sohi).


Onward and

on 6/7/14 10:42 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I have pictures of myself at my wedding in 2011. I like having them because I looked my very best for that time, and it's neat to compare them to now. But if you really hate taking pictures of yourself, it certainly isn't mandatory.

If you do it, though, then I wouldn't bruise your ego unnecessarily - wear something nice, have a good hair day, etc. You might find after you lose a lot of weight that you don't hate your fat pictures as much as you do now. I don't. In fact, I really like my wedding pictures, even though I was over 300 lbs in them. I certainly hated all pictures of myself at the time.

But I got my wedding pictures back earlier this year, after I had lost 150 lbs, and it was really neat seeing the pictures. My husband was even stunned by the difference, and he has always said that I was gorgeous before and after surgery. (Kind man, I think he even means it!) :)

Good luck with your surgery and your journey!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 6/7/14 10:58 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I recently put a before pic on the fridge to remind me of how far I have come and where I do not want to go again





on 6/8/14 12:00 am - AL
VSG on 03/13/14

I still really dislike to see myself in pictures.  I really HATE my before picture.  Do it though because even if you NEVER share them with anyone it will sure be uplifting to you to track your progress.  I was feeling a bit gross still until I did my first 50 pound loss progress pics.  When I reach goal I'm going to keep copies of my before & afters on my makeup table & on the fridge.  Someone I know keeps a copy on her mirror as a daily reminder of how far she's come.  Mind you I don't like how I look yet but I did share this about a week ago; http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VSG/5256521/Pics-are-impor tant-to-track-progress-heres-a-few-of-mine/page,1/action,rep lies/topic_id,5256521/

Do the pics for yourself I was advised to do them by my bariatric center.  Best of luck.


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


on 6/8/14 12:12 am
RNY on 06/05/14

Please take a picture - even if right now you don't want to share it.  I found the before and after photos so amazing and inspiring.  It helped me make my decision to undergo surgery, and I look at them every day to inspire myself to continue to follow my doctor's directions exactly.  Some day I hope to post My before and afters!

Karen M.
on 6/8/14 12:36 am - Mississauga, Canada

Mandatory no, greatly appreciated later though! I sometimes take a moment and look at a photo that was taken of me 8 1/2 years ago and still shake my head and thank gawd every day for my decision to have WLS. You'll come to appreciate the befores - a reminder of where you came from and how well you've done post-op. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 6/8/14 1:01 am, edited 6/8/14 6:42 am
VSG on 06/17/14

I would suggest you take the pictures because right now you might feel one way, but later on you might feel differently. You might want to use the pictures to reflect on how far you have come. Often times, our minds take A LONG time to catch up with our weight loss too! The pictures can be a tool for you.

You wouldn't have to share the pictures with anyone.


Remember, we are our worst critics. Often times, we don't see things in the mirror that others see.

You know, my husband told me he will be taking pictures of me the day of surgery no matter what! LOL. He said he did not care how much I protested etc. I LOATHE myself in pictures at times especially when I feel like I look like crap and I feel I am " fat". Who wants to be in a picture not looking their best? I have my surgery on June 17.

He reminded me on the day I delivered me last son, I was so mad on the way to the hospital for a scheduled C-section he was taking pictures! I weighed 295. I was so angry with him as we were in admitting and he was snapping pictures. He said I looked beautiful, and I felt like I was a " fat cow'!

Needless, to say years later, I cherish those pictures. They mean so much to me. I am so glad he took those pictures. I was angry at him at was almost in tears because of how I looked. It was because of my own insecure feelings inside. Even though he saw something totally different, I didn't .

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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