Sweet Kale Salad?

(deactivated member)
on 6/4/14 9:11 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I have used the Renee's lower fat one that is in the refrigerated section but I plan on making an oil and vinegar poppyseed dressing the next time I make it using a mix of splenda and sugar.  I don't like it all splenda so I use like 50/50 and it keeps the calories and carbs down.  Apples and pecans are really good with a raspberry vinaigrette as well and I think it's Bolthouse or Kraft that make a decent one of those.  

on 6/4/14 9:16 pm

Will try the Renee's....I have been using a mix of the poppy seed that comes with the salad package....and Kraft calorie wise poppy seed.....couldn't find anything lower as the store was out of Renee's.....

I figure if I can get the dressing stats down the salad will be good to continue with....and my DH just loves it....going to throw in a Honeycrisp and some pecans tonight instead of the cranberries and seeds






(deactivated member)
on 6/4/14 9:26 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Honeycrisp is the perfect apple for it. I just lightly toast my pecans in the oven and keep them in a tupperware container in my pantry and go and grab a few and just throw them on top of a lot of salads.  A few go a long way and they get a bit soggy if left in too long.  DH loved the one I bought and the one that I made so it's a keeper for sure. I use more kale in the one that I make than what is in the salad because even though they call it kale salad, it's not even the first ingredient on the list, it's just to sell it as a superfood. :)

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