Into week 6 post op

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/14 9:57 pm - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

Yay.. I seem to finally be getting normalized on food.  This weekend I was able to make my own high protein pita pizza, chicken and mushrooms, french toast and was able to eat it all.....oh the left overs are nuts, but I won't have cook again today!  It feels good to be able to start to eat normal meals (just much smaller portions).

My 6 week appointment is this week and hoping to get the okay to exercise more.  I have started using the Elliptical Machine again (only twenty minutes on the lowest setting). 

I am excited to get to this stage as I found the first five weeks post op long.  I lost 44 pounds and I have 44 pounds to go to get to my goal.  I no longer have migraines every other day, no constant back and neck pain and clothes I could not wear for two years have started fitting again.  I am also not hungry every second of the day as I used to be, and it feels good to have to remind myself to eat and to only require small portions.

I am so thankful for this surgery!


on 6/1/14 11:33 pm - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Leftovers are crazy, aren't they? I throw out so much these days. It's ridiculous. I was always taught never to waste food, so overcoming that particular mindset has been very hard for me.

I'm so glad you're doing well. I do have a question about the pita pizza and french toast though; does your centre/plan indicate that breads are okay? I know many do not, or they severely limit the quantities. It would be impossible for me personally because those kinds of carbs awaken the carb monster, but if you can do it and your centre says yes, then why not?

If you have 44 lbs to go, then you are certainly well on your way! YAY! Keep it up!

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/14 12:50 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14


My centre lists that Whole grain bread is okay - limit to 1/4 slice.  So far so good they did say to limit it to less chewy breads.  I plan to limit the bread intake to.....

Thank you for the feedback.

on 6/2/14 12:14 pm

Glad to hear things are going well.  One thing that scares me is the fear that I will lose my enjoyment of food and cooking.  Your post has given me hope that I will still be able to enjoy food only in smaller portions.

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

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