Cold feet

Tereasa R.
on 6/2/14 12:07 pm - Houston, TX
RNY on 05/29/14

I completely second guessed my decision. I had been working towards my surgery for 3 years as well. But once the day came (05/29) I was very calm and ready to get going. I'm now 4 days post op and do not regret a thing. This surgery is a blessing for me and to throw away all the hard work I've done for the past 3 years would have been a big mistake. 

Good luck to you!

Tereasa R.  5' 2" - HW: 269 / SW: 267 / CW: 184 / GW: 140


on 6/2/14 1:03 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

It's pretty normal to have cold feet at this point. I was calm and excited when i got my date, during the pre op appointment and a week before surgery, my nerves kicked in. I'd never had surgery before and a whole lot of stuff started going through my head. The what if's and all. On the day of surgery, i just told my self what ever will be will be, which helped me relax. I'd come to the point that i was so heavy and not enjoying life at all and I had to have faith and take that leap for better health. It hasn't been plain sailing but, I don't regret the surgery one bit.

Good luck, you'll do great.

on 6/3/14 6:13 am

I finally got my surgery date for end of June and deferred it to September. I  was on the fence and decided to giove another go at trying to lose the weight on my own.


on 6/3/14 11:48 pm - Canada


I had my surgery on the same day last year! Best decision of my life. I've lost 162 lbs since then and am loving life. I was scared too, especially the morning of. I also doubted my decision for the first 3 weeks after the surgery. It's tough! It gets easier, then some days are hard again. But I would do it again in a heartbeat! Make a list of all the pros and cons of the surgery, it will help put your mind at ease!

Good luck!


on 6/8/14 7:19 am - Canada

I feel the same my surgery is June 18 and Im day 5 of my pre op Otifast .I think as the days get closer I will be very nervous and probably wont sleep at all that night before.I have to get out the door by 5:30 am to be down for 8:30 because Im 3 hrs North of Toronto.I  have Dr. Klein and he seems like a very nice guy and was told a great doctor but Im sure when we get to the hospital if your nervous they can give you something to calm down. Best of luck to you and I will write back and let you know how it went if you would like? Michelle

on 6/8/14 7:29 am

Funny you say that.  I was always the guy that never got approved....back in 04-07 I tried.  I was talking to Ramon Lopez on the phone one day when he got his approval......But I never did..... Gave up on it cause i never had the money..... now I do ....and IM getting in done in 2 days.  Cold Feet....yeah Kinda.... I keep youll never be able to just eat and have a good time....Shrimp is my weakness....Buffets are my weakness.....I love to smoke Bar B Que.... and eat as a Social thing

But then I say.....and yeah dummy....thats what got you here in the first place.    I want to be healthy now......I have more than my share of food....I played college football and the coaches would force more and more food on us.....if we didnt go get more they would and we eat it or Run or some punsihment..... So I kept eating that way.....

Cold bet.....I know there is going to be pain with it.....I have my Gal Bladder taken out the same way....but you know.....days later it didnt hurt that bad....... So I want to encourage you......TO PREPARE YOUR MIND FOR GREAT THINGS...
Things like....

Going to Old Navy and buying something off the rack

Enrolling in a Crossfit class........................And keeping up

Feeling like you belong in society instead of being one of the statistics

And my BIG MOTIVATION........"I dont want to be one of those people in the scooters at the story cause their too big to walk and their bodys cant take it"


Let me know how youre doing.....and i will let you know after Tuesday.......

on 6/8/14 7:43 am
VSG on 06/09/14

My surgery is for tomorrow and I am freaking out a bit too!  Good to know we aren't alone in the nerves!!  Good luck!!

on 6/8/14 9:02 am

My surgery is tomorrow as well....good luck. I am stressed.

Onward and

on 6/9/14 6:15 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

It's very normal to be nervous. I was very nervous before my surgery. But now? I'm so glad I went through with it. I've lost 162 lbs now and no complications so far, a little more than a year and a half out. I do so many things I couldn't do before. So worth it.

But I was scared right up until they put me under. Perfectly normal.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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