
on 5/27/14 3:19 am - Canada

I had surgery in 2012 and need a little bit of help getting back on track.

Does anyone have any Optifast they are looking to sell.


Please email me at [email protected]





SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


on 5/27/14 4:31 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Harold, I don't have any Opti, but wanted to suggest a couple things.  You could try the 5 day pouch test, I've used it to do a jump start and to kick the junk habit.  It's not easy, but it does help get you refocused.  I'd also try going back to basics, including measuring, protein first, veggies then carbs.  And the biggest thing you should do, journal.  Journal everything.  Emotion, thoughts, food, activities, sleep, etc.  There is a lot of power in a journal.  Wether it's to let everything out, or to be accountable for what you eat.

Also, if you haven't done it for a while, get your blood work done.  Make sure that you are getting the right vitimins and minerals in.

Good luck,



Karen M.
on 5/27/14 10:41 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Harold, good to see you. I agree with Cathy - not sure Optifast is your answer. Learning how to "re-work" your weight loss tool could be more beneficial in the long term. If you're not up to the 5 day pouch test, create a modified version. I do this when I need to get too many carbs out of my menu - protein and veg only for 5 days or a week. It helps. Joining the "What are you eating/doing today" thread may help too - makes you plan your meals, prepare, and keeps you accountable.

Best wishes,




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 5/27/14 11:27 pm - Canada

Thanks Karen!

SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


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