Waiting time between meds, vitamins & food

on 5/25/14 12:07 am - Milton, Canada
RNY on 05/21/14

I think that's what I'm going to need to start doing. Waking up to an early alarm just to take some meds and then go back to sleep. I slept in today so after taking the Prevacid and my other meds, I'm still waiting (10am now) to have breakfast.  Is it recommended to take the two multi's separately?  I need to take Prevacid, my own meds, 2 multi's, & cal/vitd daily, and b12 twice a week. 

on 5/25/14 12:26 am

I believe that I was told, and it stands to reason... that we would absorb more of the multi-vite if it was a divided dose (2 full multi-vite daily). Make sure your levele of cal and vit D are adequate at your next blood work. As low levels of cal and vit will make it hard for you to absorb the multi. Chech into (your doc) getting a shot of vit B12 q monthly, I give mine to myself===less pills to take and better absorption! Im looking into inj. for a multi  and iron, that you would take monthly as well.


on 5/25/14 12:30 am - Milton, Canada
RNY on 05/21/14

That does make sense that we'd absorb it better if they were split up. I'll do that today then. Have breakfast with 1 multi and have the other later in the day.  I will be following up with my family doctor on Monday to make an appointment. I was going to ask him about the injections as well. I'm taking Life Brand liquid calcium + VitD, so if my math is correct, I'm taking slightly more than recommended due to the way it's in the bottle, but I'm getting it in - with a rather horrid blueberry flavour :)     Thanks for the info. 

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