Whats up at the Civic?

on 5/20/14 4:55 am, edited 5/20/14 8:55 am

So it has been over 6 weeks since I met the surgeon and no word on a surgery date.  I called twice and the second time was told I would most likely have surgery in July and that they would call me 4-6 weeks before surgery, no need to call before it is closer to the date. So I waited and it is now 6 weeks before July so I called again to see if there was any news.  I am not sure what is happening at the Civic but our conversation was just not cool. She said to me "I thought I told you not to call".  She had told me not to call before it was possible for me to get a date, which would be end of May at the earliest. Well, she starts in on me that she has gotten 10 other people calling with the same question this morning and it is taking up too much time calling us back.  I told her I had only called 3 times in 6 weeks and the only reason I called again was because of our last conversation.  Anyways, she did not want to hear it and told me "you know you are not having surgery in June, there is not way".  Did I ask about June?  No, I did not.  So then she tells me I will probably not be in July either, most likely August.  Not sure if she was just having some sort of meltdown from stress but it was not cool to speak to me so harshly when I have waited so long and been so patient.  I got off the phone crying and feeling totally discouraged and frustrated.  Its weird because everyone says Lana is so sweet, nice, accommodating, professional. Yet she spoke unkindly to me and I was very polite to her. I am afraid to complain about it because they have all the power. I am part of the research group for this surgery so I may put this complaint in my comments when they ask for feedback.  Maybe they need more staff or something, just like everywhere it seems. Has anyone else experienced this at the Civic? 

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 5/20/14 7:26 am
RNY on 05/16/12

My personal opinion is that calling unnecessarily causes delays for everyone. I know we are all eager to have surgery and calling to double check seems harmless, but in fact when 100 people take up 5 minutes of Lana's time, thats 8 hours of her time that could be used actually calling people who are being scheduled for surgery.

The only time I called was when my surgeon's appointment was cancelled and a month later I called to reschedule since they had yet to call me.

I have never had any rude staff, but then again I am patient, not demanding, and understand that the staff are human.


HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 5/20/14 8:14 am, edited 5/20/14 8:15 am

I think maybe you have forgotten how excruciating slow the process is, as you had surgery several years ago. Your life is basically on hold while you are waiting.

If I did not have patience I would have exited this process a long time ago. If I were demanding I would be calling every day instead of once every 2 weeks. I have done lots of phone work and scheduling and I know it is challenging, but if I had spoken to a client the way I was spoken to today I would have been in big trouble.  I was respectful and polite to her and she was not, period.  Maybe she was having a bad day, I can understand that but that does not make it ok to make someone cry.  And if the Civic cannot handle some phone inquiries (10) then maybe they need more staff or a better system with a cancellation waiting list.  Or maybe they should just not call back at all if they are so busy. I would rather have no call back then to be treated unkindly as I was today. 

on 5/20/14 9:03 am

I think this process is really getting to me 

I know, keep busy it will come soon, use your time wisely, all great advice.

Emotionally it is just hard and frustrating and it gets me down.

Sorry if I ranted above, it just hurts to be kicked while you are down.

on 5/20/14 9:08 am

well that is very frustrating indeed, and yes the process is so very very slow its unbelievable. I cant believe they are telling you August now :(

I met the surgeon March 3 and although ive decided not to go through with the surgery, they still haven't called me for a date. Maybe when i cancel it , you can have my date whenever that was supposed to be ?


Not sure hoiw to change my ticker, but im now down to 224.2 - whoo hoo !!


on 5/20/14 9:27 am, edited 5/20/14 9:34 am

Thank you taniagirlca, I really appreciate your reply.  I wish I could switch dates with you but I am sure they would not allow it. To change your ticker go to settings, then health track tab, then "go to health tracker" button. It is tricky. Sometimes it takes a long time for it to show in your signature.  I have had it take a day or two before. One thing that has really messed with my head is that I have lost 25lbs since last August, which is twice what I have been able to lose normally. Not that I am complaining - I feel so much better and have more mobility.  Its just it seems my body has a mind of its own and makes not sense to me.  If you still would like to be friends on fitbit I am zizzler on there too.  Glad to hear you are doing well - keep up the good work lady :0)

on 5/20/14 9:49 am - Canada

The system is at fault and even though I had been waiting for over two years I did complain to the office manager of my center.  As well as to the central registry .....I was afraid to take issue but I did and sadly received better care after I made a stink.... I'm not a fan of the squeaky wheel gets the grease saying but it's my health and I expect to be dealt with in a professional manner and with respect.  We teach people how to treat us.... And heavy people offen feel less than, less deserving of simple respect if you were waiting for any other procedures what would be an except able time period.  Remember too that the receptionist is often powerless and trying to navigate a world in which several players call the shots.  I'm sorry your wait is continuing and I hope you hear soon.   At one point I would have felt better to have received a weekly update by mail...something like we do not have a date for you as of yet we have been booking others at this time and it is hoped that you will hear for us in two weeks but if you have not please leave a message and the office manager will call you back.... Any news would have been better than nothing .  I really do understand and am sorry 

 Respectfully Jane
on 5/20/14 10:28 am

Thank you for your reply, I totally agree with everything you said.  I admire your determination to wait 2 years, that is awesome.  When did you make the complaint?  I am not sure I will have the guts to make a complaint but was wondering what you said? I am afraid I will start crying and would like to plan what I would say.

on 5/20/14 11:43 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Regardless of what was happening (people calling, frustration, etc) that was highly unprofessional of her.  I would be speaking with her boss because you do not deserve to be talked to that way, and well, I am not one for putting up with bull**** 

on 5/20/14 12:02 pm

I wish I had your courage  and confidence Blueiiis.  I am afraid since she does the scheduling that it will come back on me somehow. 

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