Whats up at the Civic?

on 5/22/14 12:03 am - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Was it Lana you spoke with (she's the one who makes up the surgery schedule) or was it reception? I've never had a problem with either Lana or reception, but I can certainly see how the folks at the reception desk might be irritable if lots of people keep calling. Not to justify the way you were treated, because THAT ain't cool at all, but it's often the 'front-line' folks who get the worst of it. It may truly just have been a bad day for her, and Lord knows, I can understand that. We all have them.

You know, if they are telling you likely near mid-end of August, go ahead and plan your vacation anyway! Absolutely. If you want to take a holiday in June or July, why not? Even early August... but realize that you might be on Opti while on vacation (as was my case). I mean, you can always tell them when they call with a date of (for example) August 18, "I'll be on holiday until August 24. Is there something available soon after August 25? Or even the week after that?" This is what I did. I scheduled my surgery around my life. I had a holiday booked with 15 other people in the USA for mid January 2014. As such, my surgery that could have happened in December 2013, I chose to delay surgery until early February 2014. Sure, having it earlier would have been nice, but it didn't jive with my life. So we made it work.

And Lana was extremely accommodating. When I met the surgeon, I even told him about my plans for vacation, and he said, "Well, we don't want people travelling within 4 weeks post-op so we will need you to stay here." I replied, "Is it okay if I give a preference for surgery date then, for AFTER I return, say around January 22?" And he said, "Just let them know at Reception and they'll pass the word on to Lana who schedules the surgeries." When Lana called a few weeks later, we discussed the holiday plans and she was totally cool with pushing surgery to early February. She gave me the start date for Opti and told me they would call me for the PATTS (which can be done three days before your operation). The trick is: they can always schedule you for LATER than the date initially given, but not for earlier. After all, you do have a life to live. Enjoy that life, and enjoy that holiday. Whatever you decide to do!

Just my two cents. I am keeping fingers crossed that they get to you soon. Sending hugs in the meantime Zizzler.

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

on 5/22/14 8:30 am

Glad to hear you never experienced that with Lana, nobody should have to deal with that.  I have a feeling that all is not well at the civic right now, I have heard there is currently a 5 month wait from meeting the surgeon to surgery, which is completely ridiculous.  Have seen other centres where it takes 4 months from referral to surgery.  I agree with you that I should still plan a vacation, and I think I will make some plans, but nothing near what I normally do.  Guess my patience is wearing out eh?  I need to get'er done :0) 

on 5/23/14 3:15 am

Zizzler, lana called me yesterday and offered me a date for the end of June. I met the surgeon on March 3, 2014.


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