Guelph times...
I have a funny feeling this has been asked many times, but just wondering if anyone had any idea on how quickly/slowly Guelph is moving now? I just got a re-referral sent through my doctor's office today, she did it while I was there so hoping it went through long before calling the registry to find out if you're on it? Thank you...and let the journey begin (again)! :)
Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
thank you...I remember some of the steps but it's been a while since I went through the first referral...looks like things are moving a little faster in Guelph now? by your progress on your signature, you took just about a year? Which doctor did you have? How was your experience?
Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
on 5/8/14 1:58 am
Everyone is different with their times, I know some people that were referred before me that are still waiting or just had their surgery. It depends on alot of things, like test results, if you are more urgent than others, how many others are in front of you ect ect ect. Its not just first come first served. My signature does not include that the year before I was finally accepted everything I had to go through to get my referral approved. It actually all in all took me 2 years.
I had the new surgeon Dr. Bhojani ... excellent surgeon, and I have had no real concerns.
Thank you, I am one of those that like to be proactive, so hoping I can get things moving. But am anticipating a year.
there's a new surgeon for Guelph? so we have 4 now? Maybe that's why the wait time has improved on some things? when I was first referred it took me almost a year just to get my first appt with the RN/NUT/SW...
Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
My first appointment at the Guelph Bariatric clinic was in August of 2012...yikes eh? I had my post op nutrition class beginning of March, met with Dr. Jules on April 14th and my surgery is booked for May 22nd - currently doing 3 weeks of opti, on week 2 now! It's coming up quick, but when I look back, what a looong journey! better make sure I don't screw this up :o)