Dollar store find

on 5/7/14 1:15 pm - Canada

Thanks for this link Tracey as I said I bought several and was getting worried that they would be wasted, I like my home made ones but it will be nice to have a cold one in my fridge at work or even at home to travel with if needed

 Respectfully Jane
Mary A.
on 5/7/14 10:21 pm

remember Dollarama at times is a clearing house for overstock products so it's like any re-=sale store they don't all necessarily carry the same items

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 5/7/14 9:26 am - Sarnia, Canada
RNY on 12/09/14

I actually bought a couple of them... I have not had my surgery yet but was curious as to how they would taste so I bought a vanilla and a chocolate, first sip I took I thought to myself this isn't too bad, little sweet tasting but not bad.. as I let it sit for a couple of minutes I noticed it started to get this curdly thick film on top and at the bottom of the glass and I don't know if its because its a cheaper version or maybe just my can but it totally turned me off to where im scared to try my chocolate one.

on 5/7/14 1:20 pm - Canada

Hey bee my taste changed after surgery and I traditionally only like vanilla but now I prefer chocolate, I dislike regular milk and like skim.  It's odd but things I use to love I do not or could not or would not eat anymore.  My point is buy one or two extra so that you can try them after surgery as your taste or likes may change....good luck on your journey

 Respectfully Jane
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