When do you get the OKAY?/ Ideal goal weight..

on 5/6/14 3:04 am - Sarnia, Canada
RNY on 12/09/14

I'm about to go to my second social worker meeting in a week, and I'm wondering when about do they give you the okay to be approved for surgery along with the nutritionist/doctor. I have noticed on my main appointment sheet that it says there will be 2 social worker meetings unless they find you need further appointments, has anyone been okay'd on the second appointment? 


Also I have read a lot of peoples posts on here and have seen just how much they have been able to lose, I went into my nurses appointment with a goal of 150lbs (just a number I thought that I could get to realistically in my head) and was told that I would probably never GET to 150lbs seeing that I was in my 200s in highschool. But from the posts I have read there are people who are over 400 and have gone down to 150/145... is it actually possible to go from 330 to 150?

on 5/6/14 3:58 am - Ottawa, Canada

I only needed to see the Behaviourist once, and the Dietician twice.  I think each person is different depending on their needs, readiness, progress, etc.  Some people need multiple appointments with each. 

In terms of weight loss, they are trying to be realistic and manage expectations.  Some people don't make it below 200, and that's okay.  That's just a fact.  They want people to be healthy, and not become obsessive with a number.

But yes, I was at 416, and currently weight in at 173 (top end of a normal bmi), and yes, I was over 200lbs in high school.  I have worked very hard to get here, and follow the nutrition guidelines, perhaps not perfectly, but mostly perfectly, and I workout a lot.

I would urge you to be realistic in your initial expectations, and then adjust accordingly.  If you can get lower, great.  I think for me, it's not about the number on the scale, but about how I feel, and whether I can do things I want to do, like run 5km every second day, and go to kickboxing, etc., etc.!

Good luck!











on 5/6/14 5:26 am - Arnprior, Canada

Right now, I wouldn't worry about a goal weight.  I didn't know what i would get down to, and put one down for the ticker.  As for wether or not you could get down to 150, I don't know how tall you are to know where on the BMI that would be for you.  This tool will help you lose about 80% of your excess body fat, but that's not written in stone.  I'd set my goal to be healthy.  You've probably noticed a number of people post NSVs (Non Scale Victories) and I hold to the point that those are more important than a number on the scale.  Being able to do something you couldn't for a long time or never have is a bigger victory than losing 100 lbs.  Or when you notice doing daily things a lot easier than you used to.  I had surgery at the end of June almost 3 years ago.  My biggest victory that year was to be able to skate with my kids in October, and outlast them.

As for the social worker, she can say wether you can go further, or need another session, but it's the surgeon who says wether you get surgery or not.  I only had one behaviorist appointment and she was OK with me, and I had to pass the dietician (2 appointments) plus some other things.  With the information that the surgeon has on your health, and from the SW and Dietician, he makes the call.

Good luck on your journey.



on 5/7/14 9:20 am - Sarnia, Canada
RNY on 12/09/14

I have also noticed that some people are meeting the surgeon way before they are done with any of their other appointments, maybe I'm reading the US ones but I swear I saw a few from Canada.. I was told that I wouldn't be meeting with the surgeon until all my testing and meetings were done and approved by everyone at the center.

Karen M.
on 5/6/14 11:10 am - Mississauga, Canada

Yes, it is totally possible. I went from 290 to 120. I let my body guide the loss - it stopped when it was finished. As hard as it is, try not to focus on a number. Follow the plan, move your body and enjoy the results of positive choices.



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