Broth while on opti?

on 5/5/14 7:20 am - Canada

Just out of curiosity I was reading in my pamphlet that I can have chicken, beef, or vegetable broth does anyone have any recommendations, also do they have to be calorie free?

If anyone can give me some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated :)

on 5/5/14 7:42 am - St Thomas, Canada

Buy a high quality low sodium broth or make your own ahead of time.


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on 5/5/14 8:19 am

I was out of Ottawa and I bought no name beef broth from No frills. It has 4 cals per cup. I was allowed 20 extra cals on top of my shakes so it was nice that this beef broth was lower cal and low sodium compared to others I saw.


Orientation: December 2012 ~ Met Surgeon: Jan 9/2014 Surgery date:April 23rd/2014 Ottawa ~ Started Opti: April 2/2014 ~Opti starting weight April 2/2014: 271.4lbs~Pre surgical appointment: April 10/2014 ~Surgery weight TBA    


on 5/6/14 1:15 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

I bought some chicken broth and it was so disgusting I had to pitch it. I made my own - used chicken bones that I got for $1/each at the local poultry farm/store (also, lots of grocery stores may give you these for free since they usually just throw out carcasses).  I threw that into a pot of water with carrots, celery and onion (a bit of salt and pepper too). Once it was done cooking, I strained the entire thing and it tastes fantastic! I'm almost done my first week of opti, two more to go before surgery!

on 5/8/14 9:14 am - Canada

I bought Knorr chicken bouillion at Dollarama crumble 4 cubes with 8 cups boiling water, stir and store in fridge. Really like it,too and much cheaper.

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