Feeling unprepared :(

on 4/30/14 7:43 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hi all , 


So tomorrow morning I have my first appointment to meet my surgeon (Dr Klein at Finch site ) , and I guess im feeling a touch nervous and a lot unprepared !! I have been lurking around here and trying to find what im looking for with regards to what to expect but im not sure I know really ! Lol ....will I be weighed / checked over / asked loads of questions / or is this where I ask all the questions ?/if so what do I ask / what CAN I ask ? ! This surgeon's name has come up on a search in a not so positive light ( for one case as far as I can see ) but very positively for loads of others . Am I allowed to ask about the negative stuff ? Feeling the butterflies tonight and this Iis only the start !!! 

Any info is always welcome :) 

I have loads more questions for you all but ill take it easy for now ! Lol 

Hope everyone is well xx

on 4/30/14 8:33 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Dr Klein will weigh you.  Then take you into a office and talk to you. He will ask you a bunch of questions about your health.  Why you want the surgery,  what you have tried to lose the weight in the past. What you think those attempts didn't work. He will explain the risks and complications associated with the procedure. will then tell you whether or not your a candidate. He will ask you if you have any questions.  And he will ask you if your still interested in going through with the procedure. 

I had my surgery with Dr Klein 11 weeks ago yesterday. I'm am down 52 pounds.  I didn't have any issues,  I would recommend Dr Klein to anyone. He is great. I read the reviews you did add well, but as with any surgery there are risks and complications. 

I hope I remembered everything.  Rest easy, he is a great Doctor.  He also hasa good sense of humour. 

Good luck tomorrow. 


Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 4/30/14 9:26 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks for the reply Kim :) you laid it all out perfectly ! I guess im just nervous about the whole thing actually beginning if that makes sense ? Excited too though , 52 lbs ! Thats great ! And I peeked at your pic and story,  you look fab ! 

So he will acually tell me tomoz if I qualify ? If you dont mind me asking , did you have any co morbidities prior to surgery ? And was it those that helped make the decision ? I have 5 herniated discs in my back from Degenerative disc disease (granted , mostly from work , ive been a PSW for a long time, but my weight exacerbates it  ) , I have been taking meds for high BP for around 8 years , I also have a thyroid issue but ive had that for 20 years , since I was 16 . I have tried WW three times , last year I lost 65 lbs , but as usual , its come back and brought some little friends with it !!! 

My mother always says to me " you know you can lose this weight on your own " , and im like yes I can .....but what I cant do is keep it off !! And I never seem to get to the point where I feel ive lost enough , always still been overweight . I feel like this tool will help me keep going and more importantly ..staying !!! 

I know im rambling but I really hope that im doing the right thing and that they feel its the right thing for me too . 

Anyway , thanks again for your info on Dr Klein and well done with how far youve come :) 

on 4/30/14 9:59 am - Canada

good luck tomorrow.  it can be very nerve racking at times or maybe i should say overwhelming at times.  I am 9 days post op.  I went through St Josephs in Toronto and My surgeon is Dr David Lindsay.  He is awesome.  I had High Blood pressure for many years and diabetes.  Also degenerative disc disease and Arthritis.  So I had lots going on not to mention I'm 62 yrs young.  if you are wondering if this is for you all I can say is since my surgery I take no more meds for my diabetes or my high blood pressure.  I was on the optifast liquid diet for 4 weeks leading up to my surgery and I lost 45lbs.  Since my surgery i have not lost anything yet.  i think that my body if trying to figur out what the heckk is going on.  i am sticking to my plan religously and i know it will move again soon.  just to be free of the diabetes and blood pressure issues was enough to tell me i've mad the best decision of my life.  once again good luck and as anything that you canthink of. right the questions down before you go if that helps you remember.  I know when Im nervous I tend to forget something.  All the best Val

on 4/30/14 10:17 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Val , 

That is awsome about no more meds for you !! And so encouraging ! And thats you only 9 days post op ?Amazing ! I really hope that it solves my BP issue too. 

As for your weight loss , in doing my 'lurking' around on here , I have saw that this seems to happen to everyone at some point , so hang in there ...and I will try to remember the same when it happens to me ! Lol 

To be honest , the more I read on here the more encouraged I am to do this . There are so many people who sound exactly like me , face the exact same challenges as I face , and almost seem to have the same thought process !! So , I feel comfortable and like making the right choice , now im just worried I wont qualify !! Lol 

Anyway , good luck in the coming days/weeks and inyour recovery and enjoying your new you :) 

on 5/1/14 2:50 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Soooooo how did you make out?

Thank you for the kind words :-)

When are your next set of appts?

I didn't have any comorbidities. I am 4'11 and I weighed 227 the day of my appt with him which put my BMI at 45.8. I was 104 pounds overweight. And that JUST puts me at the top of the healthy BMI range.  I think for my height a healthy weight is around 114lbs or something like that. But I'm not wanting to go that low. I'm also high risk for heart problems and diabetes as they both run on both sides of the family. 

I am a PSW as well :-)

I hope all went well for you today. Look forward to hearing back from you.


Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 5/1/14 5:56 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Soooooo .......all went well today :) I was really nervous but everything else helped , ie. The drive was no probs , I found it easy , the office was easily located ....sounds stupid but I feel so much less nervous when im not flustered  !!! As soon as I got into the office they sent me for Patts so that was a bit of a wait but again it helped me gather myself . Then the meeting with Dr Klein went great , it was fast but he said he didnt see any reasons not to go ahead so it was now for me to decide .

Then up to Dr Glazers office to make an appointment . I also asked the clinic secretary if I could have any cancelled appointments if they came up and she said sure . So im down for July 4th with Nurse /SW and Nutritionist ....and June 9th for Dr Glazer . So hope I get the nurse and stuff earlier . 

My Bmi is 48 and he wants me down to 25 (between 19 and 25 ) but im 5, 6 ' and I hear you about not wanting to go that low .....I dont think id look well at that weight . I have a large frame and I feel id be too skinny ! My plan is just to follow the plan and eat well  and healthy and I feel my body will sort the rest out . 

So you are a PSW too ? I work homecare so it keeps me busy and on the go which should help . Although Facility is a tough go too !!! 

How are you now ? Any more losses ? 

Good chatting , let me know how you are doing :) 

And again thanks for the info , it really helped . And you were right , Dr Klein is really nice :) 

on 5/3/14 12:17 am - Kitchener, Canada

Hi I have been reading your post and I have to say I can so relate. I am just beginning this long journey. I had my Orientation in Guelph on April 24 and in June have appointments to see Nurse, SW and dietician. I am no where near seeing a surgeon yet. I have the last of all my tests to do tonight. The sleep study! But like you I am apprehensive about the whole thing.


I too have lost and gained weight so many times....it is ridiculous. family tells me I can do it on my own....and I know that...But I can't keep it off....AND I have never been able to get it ALL off and to start the new lifestyle of being active ( Which I loved when I was younger and thinner).....which would help me keep it off...I feel the same way you do that surgery is the tool that can help me to get it all off once and for all and to keep it off...I know it will be hard work and I am not afraid of that...it is just the waiting for the appointments and surgery I begin to get scared and wonder if it is the right thing.

I guess that is a good thing that we are at least questioning and taking this seriously. I mean we are choosing to alter our bodies and the way we eat for the rest of our lives...this is a very serious decision not to be taken lightly.


I wish you all the best with your appointment and know you will do fine. The process is long but I feel confident about it and I am just going to be honest with all my answers because IF I am not a good candidate I want to know that....I think after all the testing and interviews once we are approved we can feel assured we are good candidates and in safe hands...


GOOD Luck I will be watching for your posts :)


Referral to Guelph:  January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15   ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~  Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015  Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~  Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti:  July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150  


Tina G.
on 5/3/14 1:04 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 04/14/14

Hi there,

I am 19 days post op Rny with Dr. Klein. I was readmitted 24 hrs after coming all the way back home. I hemorrhaged from the lower bowel connection and had a few other issues. Dr. Klein had left on a plane the morning I was admitted again so I had to have the on call surgeons. I did and do, however like Dr.Klein. He is very good. Ask any questions you want both positive and negative it's your life they are going to change with this surgery. But remember choosing to have this surgery is your decision and the surgery is only a tool to help you. I wish you all the best and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

 This is a fantastic site and everyone is more then willing to answer your questions no matter where in North America they are from.


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