Head game

Katie M.
on 4/21/14 2:37 pm - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

I'm six months post-op and until now I haven't ever really been hungry. Food hasn't interested me much. I went through some tough family stuff that, this time last year, would have had me reaching for the cheesecake. But I was fine, I coped without food. 


It feels like I hit six months and have started to get the hunger back. I am eating more than I used to. I'm craving things that haven't even entered my mind up to now. I ate a little Easter egg on Friday, when before I have avoided sugar like the plague. I feel a little "down". Not depressed, just... Not motivated. Has anyone else hit a wall around this time after surgery? My numbers have been slow all winter and haven't changed at all this month - I know it's carbs. I am trying to be vigilant and not let old bad habits back, trying to give myself a boost with positive self talk. I just feel a bit depleted these days. 

Anyway, if nothing else at least I got that off my chest!

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 4/21/14 2:59 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Oh I hear ya. I have gone through the same. Cravings and carbs sneaking in and yes, I ate a little chocolate this weekend.

I wish I could snap out of it!! 


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 4/21/14 3:06 pm

I think the "winter from hell" has gotten to a lot of people. Maybe try to get outside in the sun as much as possible. I know the warmth of it on my face, along with the fresh spring air made me feel amazing today. The better we feel, the more inspired and motivated we feel. Good luck, you've come so far....just think of your accomplishments already....you've got this Chica!!!

Referral~March 5/13 Orientation~Apr 24/13 SW~June 10/13 RN~Aug 7/13 Sleep Clinic~ Aug 16/13 Sleep Dr~ Sept 3/13 Nut Class~Oct 1/13 Dietician/2nd Sleep Clinic~Nov 1/13 Psych~Nov 8/13 2nd Sleep Dr~Dec 3/13 Surgeon~Dec 6/13 Surgery~Apr 15/14

on 4/21/14 6:31 pm

stay strong! you are doing awesome. dont beat yourself up over a few cheats. keep at it and beat them today!

on 4/21/14 7:18 pm - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

Good to see you here Katie, been noticing you haven't been posting lately and was a little worried. I agree with Big Jay "stay strong! you are doing awesome. dont beat yourself up over a few cheats. keep at it and beat them today!"  Best of all you're here and not letting go of your support system

I hear you with the head hunger and the thinking about foods I haven't touched since before opti  WOW Easter was hard to get through. I substituted with chocolate flavored tea from DAVIDsTea but I'm craving (in my mind) icing sugar or frosting or something pure sugar so bad!!

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


on 4/21/14 9:14 pm - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Hi Katie,

I am a few weeks shy of 6 months and have noticed a bit of hunger coming back.  I don't have cravings yet, but they will probably come, give it time! LOL  I find I have head hunger, when I am bored or in front of the TV.  I really have to get away from the TV and get myself busy.  I am doing so much more now, I am so active and when I find the head hunger comes I take the dogs out for a walk (they have never been out and walked so much in their lives LOL) or I call my girlfriend and we meet for tea at Tim Hortons, I get out a book (I am a avid reader so I always have a few unread books around) or I search recipes that I can make.  I also always have protein around me, with me, in my purse, I take it with me to other people's houses.  I don't want to get hungry and turn to carbs so I always have protein with me just in case.  And water!  I can't forge****er!  If I don't have my water bottle with me then I have a tea in my hand.  That honestly and truly keeps the hunger away. 

You can do this, you know you can, you are probably going through another hormone dump (grrrrr) and feeling out of sorts.  Look at what you have accomplished in 6 short months!! Winter was brutal and if you are not a winter person then it has been tough.  You know the rules, you know what to do and you just need a jump start, Spring being here will help you a lot.    And the fact that you state that even going through some rough times with family you did not turn to food proves that you have the skills and know how to beat this.  

Glad you came here to vent and did not turn to food, you got this! 

Wishing you all the best!



Height 5' 5" HW: 244  SW: 226  CW: 128    


on 4/21/14 9:32 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Hi Katie--I can totally relate to what you are going through. At around 6 months the same behaviours started happening with me... I had absolutely no hunger or head hunger/cravings until then. I'm actually starting CBT this week to get some tools to deal with this phase of my journey. The others who have posted have made some great suggestions. The good news is, you're aware of the change and you have this forum and your centre for support. Take Care.





























































































































































































































































































on 4/21/14 9:52 pm

Hi Katie, i just posted about this yesterday on What are you eating...I am almost 10 months out and on the weekend started to wonder a bit.. I am back on track but its hard. I was ready for this but my mind tries to justify the bad choices..Stay strong , today is a new day just try and get back on track . My thing is getting the junk out of my house..Take care  Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 4/21/14 11:21 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

This is the time you have to figure out why you eat bad stuff and start to find ways to alter the behaviour. If you have not considered CBT now would be a good time. Or just some counseling where they can help you with learning to cope without food.

You are doing fantastic so keep up the great job





on 4/22/14 12:41 am - Canada
RNY on 10/09/13

Stay strong you can do it! I too am six months out and have found cravings coming back. I also was tempted with some chocolate over the weekend. There are times when I wish sweets would make me dump so I would avoid them at all costs. Now when I crave something I tend to grab something to drink and do something to keep busy. One closet at a time and my whole house will be organized - LOL. The nice weather is slowly upon us so I am hoping the outdoor activities and sunshine will play a key role in keeping motivated. I love the new beginning I was given and don't want to look bac****ep an old picture from the day before surgery on my phone and looking at that helps. Take Care and be proud of what you have accomplished so far you can do it!!


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