Surviving my Stall

on 4/10/14 9:17 pm - Brantford, Canada

Hi Friends: I am 6 weeks out from surgery. I had almost two weeks were my weight moved up and down the same one pound. The first few days were fine...I didn't really think 'my' stall would last two Anyway, it's over for now and I'm losing again. Here are a few ideas I would suggest for this very frustrating time when each day with the scale feels agonizing:

1. Put away the scale. I mean like, really put it away in the back of a closet for a week. I became obsessed with trying to get that number lower and would slide on the scale every time I went to the bathroom. This was not helpful and added greatly to my anxiety. I had to chuck that scale away and remind myself that this is now a lifestyle not a race. Yes, keeping on top of numbers is a helpful tool, but take a break if it's making you crazy

2. Ask yourself if you are really doing all the 'do' things - lots of water, vitamins, protein ( at least 60 grams a day) and putting protein this first before other foods. I found that even after just a month I was slipping here and there...once things start sliding for me its a fast downhill fall.

3. Movement, walking, whatever works for you. Do as much as you can. If you can't physically walk 45 minutes a day, don't let that be your excuse for not doing any exercise. Do 5 minutes, then 10...march in place during television commercials, park a little further away from your destination, dance...anything. I may never be one of those fortunate ones who becomes addicted to exercise, in fact I may never even really enjoy it, but it is another tool that helps my weight loss. I won't give in to the spoiled brat inside me that feels I shouldn't have to exercise AND eat so carefully. So I walk, - but it is helping

4. Write - what were your motivations, thoughts, dreams and fears while researching WLS and what were they when you made the big decision to go ahead with it? In doing this myself I realized that I was still holding onto some 'magical thinking'...I'm only human. This process is a LOT of work, planning and paying attention. Reading back in a journal helps to see how far I've come, what expectations are realistic and the secret hopes of overnight success I was still holding onto.

5. Love yourself. Don't let setbacks, stalls, confusion or exhaustion turn into self loathing. This is a huge, life long process. Talk nicely to yourself. Don't shame or blame you or say anything to or about yourself you wouldn't say about someone else. My low self esteem was not removed during surgery :) I am a work in progress. If I'm following the rules (and they are rules, not just suggestions), then I will succeed and I can be proud that I am putting my health first. Caring about ourselves and taking the time to do the things we need to do to be well is not selfi****'s self love. This is a new concept for me, but I've decided to have a spring fling - with myself! :-D

Bev from Brantford, Ontario, Canada RNY - Feb.27, 2014 @ St. Joe's Hamilton - Diabetes in Remission & Blood Pressure normal now. YAY!

HW - 303 lbs CW(pre op) - 274.5  at 5 months out 202.5 lbs Current weight on Aug.18/14 is 195 lbs May 2015 at goal - 160 pounds

on 4/10/14 9:58 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Well said!





























































































































































































































































































Sara F.
on 4/10/14 10:33 pm - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

I am so glad to read this post as I'm in a stall now, at almost 5 weeks out. I was beginning to panic and think I was losing my mind. Thanks so much for sharing!

Referral: June 2012 Orientation: October 2012 CT Scan: February 2013 Dietician: March 6 2013 Social worker: March 6 2013 Endoscopy: March 28 2013 Internist: April 3 2013 Psychologist: April 3 2013 Pancreatic ultrasound, MRI, biopsy: May-August 2013 Surgical consult: October 1 2013 Repeat biopsy: January 22 2014 PATTS: March 13 2014 Surgical date:  March 17 2014!!



(deactivated member)
on 4/11/14 1:27 am

Awesome post... my first stall lasted 3.5 weeks, thought I was going to go crazy lol

on 4/11/14 1:27 am - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 04/02/14

Thank you...this is what I needed to hear. 

on 4/11/14 6:31 am

I wish I could make this a "favourite" post!



GUELPH. Referral: Dec 6/13. Orientation: Mar 6/14, Post-op Diet Class: Sept 22/14, Meeting with Surgeon: Dec 2/14, Surgery: Jan 22/15

on 4/11/14 11:26 am
RNY on 03/20/14

Thank you for posting this. Very well said and makes so much sense. :)

on 4/11/14 10:10 pm - Brantford, Canada

Thanks friends :)


Bev from Brantford, Ontario, Canada RNY - Feb.27, 2014 @ St. Joe's Hamilton - Diabetes in Remission & Blood Pressure normal now. YAY!

HW - 303 lbs CW(pre op) - 274.5  at 5 months out 202.5 lbs Current weight on Aug.18/14 is 195 lbs May 2015 at goal - 160 pounds

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