How long after have been cleared before surgery?

on 4/6/14 8:28 am - Peterborough, Canada

Just wondering how long most have been before you get your date after you have been cleared by the nutritionist, dietician, social worker and internist?  I have been cleared by all and just have to get the results from the sleep test on the 15th.


Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13  |  Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14  |  1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14  |  Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14

on 4/6/14 12:13 pm
RNY on 04/30/14

I'm through Ottawa but for me it was about a month after I finished all tests and appt.'s before I got to meet with the surgeon & then it'll be almost 4mnths between the surgeon appt. and the surgery date.  It's a long road!

Orientation Session:  April 2013  Sleep Study:  July 1/13  Abdominal Ultrasound: July 16/13  Endoscopy: October 23/13  Pre-Surgical Class:  Dec 11/13  Surgeon:  Jan 6/14  PATTS:  April 4/14 Optifast: April 9/14  RNY Surgery: April 30/14

Robyn R.
on 4/6/14 1:30 pm - Bowmanville, Canada

Depends on your center. & your surgeon. I had Dr Hagen and in Early October, I was given a date of late January. His wait tends to be longer. He did give me the option to have another surgeon with an earlier date, but I was very comfortable with him so chose to stay

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 4/6/14 8:57 pm, edited 4/6/14 8:58 pm

I was through HRRH and booked my surgery right after Internist appointment before my sleep test results as they do not affect having surgery. If you have sleep apnea you get a machine, if you don't no action needs to be taken. It was a month from my internist appointment until surgery.

on 4/6/14 10:10 pm, edited 4/6/14 10:12 pm - Marmora, Canada

I was cleared for everything with Dr. Glazer and signed paperwork with Dr. Hagen on Feb.21/14  Then was given Sept.2/14 @ 8am for surgery. I was disappointed it is so far away. So now I have nothing until my PATT's and start Opti on aug. 12/14

on 4/7/14 11:46 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 05/02/14

I was cleared for surgery on February 7, 2014. Dr. Sohi's office called me on February 11, 2014 and gave me my date...May 2, 2014. I think it depends on the centre and the surgeon...some are quicker then others. Good luck! 

HW: 321lbs (Nov 2013) SW: 313.5lbs CW: 237lbs and counting.... 

RNY: May 2, 2014 - Dr. Sohi @ HRRH





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