When do you get a surgery date?

on 3/30/14 1:38 pm

I have recently had my orientation and am meeting with my surgeon on April 8 and then I have appointments with the SW/Dietician/Nurse on June 10th. I am just wondering when they usually provide you with a surgery date, is it given to you after you have met with all the health team and after all your tests are completed or do they provide you with a date after meeting your surgeon and then work towards that date?

Also, has anyone had any luck getting on a cancellation list at HRRH ?  If so what approach did you use to get on the list?


thanks Folks,


on 3/30/14 8:17 pm - Oshawa, Canada

Going through HRRH usually is a 6 month process from Orientation to Surgery (approximately). After you see SW/Dietician/Nurse you will have an appointment with Dr Glazer, the internist. Then is everything goes smoothly, you will have another appointment to see your surgeon who will then give you your surgery date!

Dr Glazer is the one who determines if you are fit for surgery and if you would need any additional testing or work done before your surgery. 

Also the SW, dietician or nurse could ask you back for a follow up. It is quite a process but you'll get there! Good luck!

HRRH -Orientation Nov  25, Dr. Sohi Jan 17, RN,SW,Dietician Feb 19, Dr Glazer Mar 5, Dr Sohi March 12. Surgery May 28th



on 3/31/14 4:59 am

thanks very much for the info, good to have a rough idea as to what is in front of me :)


on 3/30/14 10:40 pm

Just a word or two of advice, Once you see the surgeon, go back to the desk ask for your next appointments they will have them for you there... also the surgeon will give you a referal up to Dr. Glazier, go up there and book that appointment as well, they will sometimes try to get all of those done on the same day if you have to travel any distance.  As for the appointments with the RD/RN/SW,   the dietitian wants to know you have made changes since the orientation IM sure they stressed that specially if you have who i call the dragon lady.  Even tho I had written everything down and weighed and measured she accused me of not making any changes, and the SW, wanted to know why I had eaten  10 potato chips and made me do homework!!! do not be surprised if they make you go back.   Everyone I know so far has had to go back for a second round with the dietitian and sw.  Once you get through that,  they say you will hear from your surgeons office..don't wait... phone the surgeons office yourself...they will get you in quicker..to see the surgeon.   I am with Dr. Hagen and he was booking surgery for Oct.  so hense thats when I have mine!

Good luck, its not a process that can be fast tracked but you can ask to be put on cancellation lists at the clinic.


on 3/31/14 5:02 am

This is really helpful information, thank you very much for sharing it. I want to be as prepared as possible so it will go as smoothly as  possible and this info will sure help...

thanks again,



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