What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 3/28/14 8:29 pm

RNY  4 Years 11 Months Post Op


Golfing this morning.....going to a movie this afternoon......BBQ tonight

STEPS - approx. 6000.....


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - Smuckers crustables P/B and Jelly


L - cup of tomato soup

    scoop of tuna salad


S - couple of handfuls - 1 cup - of movie popcorn


D - cheeseburger with all the fixings on an Arnolds thin


S - skinny cow fudgesicle


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,509,  Carbs - 129 grams,  Fat - 55 grams,  Protein - 104 grams


All water and vits

Have a great one   






on 3/28/14 9:01 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

3 months +

Good morning Barb

Steps 6893 - waiting for the treadmill to be oiled yet again. I think it may be a sensor and I won’t be investing in another treadmill – it will be gym time.

B- fried egg, back bacon

S- babybel, turkey pepperoni

Lunch –tvp chili, cheese string

S-greek yogurt, protein powder

Dinner –looking for mr goodbarley soup

FITNESS PAL Calories 929 Carbs 65 Fat 28 Protein 111

Have a great day friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/28/14 10:40 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

10 months post op

Steps 8976


Good morning

Sunny, I made the TVP chili and it was good. I will make it again.

I really need to make a real effort to get on here and post to this thread everyday. Even if it is late in the day! Goal for next week, post here everyday!!!!

Busy day for me, lots of running around to do. Grocery shopping, Koffee Korner to get some new flavour Kcups for the Keurig, DH wants to go to the Sugar Bush for Maple Syrup, Bulk Barn, Health Food Store for supplements, and of course a couple walks with the doggy :). I might need a nap this afternoon...lol.


B- Protein coffee, Source Cherry Yogurt, 1/2 banana

S- 1/2 Pure Protein Bar

L-1/2 a tuna wrap with lettuce, cuccumber, tomato.

S- other 1/2 pure Protein Bar

D-Roast Chicken mashed turnip and carrots w/ a little gravy

S- 1/3 cup FF plain greek yogurt with SF pudding powder mixed in (if I need it)


Be well everyone









on 3/28/14 11:00 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Glad to hear you liked the chili.  It really hits the spot for me!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/28/14 11:53 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Feeling better today. Not so out of it.I told my husband not to bring home wine because i was not drinking after hitting my head. After dinner he said he made coffee and would bring me one. Sounded good. He put brandy in it! Not sure why he would think I need that with a head injury

Off for a walk with the dog soon. Need to stretch out the soreness. A bunch of people asked to be added as friends on fitbit. With my inactivity for two days they have pushed me way to the bottom. Some friends. LOL Obviously need to get moving.

Some errands this afternoon. Trying a new stuffed pepper recipe. I have listed calories for me to eat a whole one but will probably not fini**** Lately i have listed salad which I love but have had one bite and not been able to eat more

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries, 1/4 slice of toast

l chili, yogurt

s hummus and crackers

d quinoa stuffed peppers green beans

s wine

cal 1137, carb 68, prot 71





Onward and

on 3/29/14 12:02 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Glad you're feeling better, Pat. Enjoy your day! I'm going to check out your quinoa stuffed pepper recipe.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Onward and

on 3/29/14 12:01 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Hey Barb. Sounds like a fun day ahead! What movie are you seeing? I went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show late last night - playing in a movie theatre on the screen, with an in person cast acting it out on stage as well. It was wild, and fun.

For the last few days, I've taken to going back onto MFP the next day and changing what I plugged into the day before to reflect what I actually ate, since I have no idea whether the amount I'm planning for myself is completely unrealistic or not, and that way I can see what my real eating patterns are and what I really lose or gain on. Yesterday is confusing, because I did some substituting and added stuff here and there and when I totaled everything up this morning, I ended up with way more calories than usual - like, I'm talking around 2,000 calories - and yet, I still lost a pound or two (hard to tell on my scale, it's analog and the ticks between numbers are tiny).  I got a lot of exercise yesterday (a lot of walking), but it's still weird that I would lose weight after eating that many calories. It was completely unexpected.

Anyhow, I'm going to a party tonight where I know I'll be drinking lots of red wine, so I'm just sticking three glasses in my totals now and trying to factor the rest of my food day around it since I know that when I go to parties at this particular friend's place, we stay late and sip wine all night.  Maybe I should see whether I can just move to water after the second glass.  But I'm putting the third glass in anyhow.  Also, I'm helping her with party prep, so I'm going to ride my bike there this afternoon, then back to my place before the party (which will add 14 km of cycling to my day), then go over with hubby on the subway to the party.  I'm hoping if I eat good, hearty things during the day, it will help me not to go too crazy tonight on the food and drink.


B - 1 egg fried in 1 tsp olive oil and 1 piece P28 bread toasted

S - 1/2 cup ricotta/vanilla/stevia mix, with 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries

L - 4 oz leftover rotisserie chicken breast, 1/4 cup green garbanzo beans sauteed in garlic, onion and 1/2 tsp olive oil

S - Homemade chicken spread, spread on 1 slice P28 bread - heavy on the protein around the time I'm going to be biking

D - I'm putting in the canapes I'm bringing to the party, but there will be substitutions since I'm not sure what else will be served. 9 smoked salmon and cream cheese canapes spread out over the evening. So, 9 pita bites crackers, maybe 70g smoked salmon, 4 tbsp light cream cheese - I'm thinking a little under 1/2 tbsp on each cracker? Anyhow, just an estimate, and as I say, probably will be having a variety of stuff.

S - 12 oz red wine (3 glasses)

TOTALS: 118g protein, 56g fat, 73 carbs, 14g fiber, 1565 calories

Have a great Saturday, all!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 3/29/14 3:29 am, edited 3/29/14 3:30 am

I am pre-op

b - silhouette yogurt

l - can of kippered herring (forgot how good these are)

d- miracle ziti noodles (new shape) with diced tomatoes and mozzarella cheese

s - think I might try making pudding and adding protein powder - have not tried it that way yet.  Usually I add it to a cup of pre-made no sugar added pudding, which tastes fine.  Mixed the whey protein with mushroom soup the other day and it tasted fine too.

drinks: Dasani grape

btw I am totally loving unsweetened chocolate almond breeze heated in the microwave and then add e-z sweetz and whisk in bulk barn plain whey protein powder.  Tastes amazingly creamy. Sometimes I add a little vanilla too to give it a bit of zip.  Great way to get protein in on a cold day!

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