Plastic Surgery

Lee M.
on 3/27/14 11:25 pm - sudbury, Canada

  Morning..Could someone direct me to plastic surgeons that work with OHIP? I live in Sudbury, and none of them here do...Any info would be greatly appreciated..

Hanneli xoxo
on 3/27/14 11:42 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

someone recently told me that Dr. barr actually will work with OHIP... i was surprised at that.. did you check with him?

Lee M.
on 3/28/14 2:41 am - sudbury, Canada

Hi..not recently, no. I will however. Thanks!


Lee M.
on 3/28/14 2:42 am - sudbury, Canada

You look awesome BTW!!

on 3/31/14 5:36 am - Canada

I would love to know if Barr does, if you find out I would love to know!

 Referral July 30, 2013..VSG BY Dr. Lloyd Smith Aug 12, 2013.  Pre OPTI weight: 350. Sw331 CW190


Mary A.
on 3/31/14 4:23 am, edited 3/31/14 4:24 am

I am from Thunder Bay and my plastic surgeon will be Dr. Sarah Wong (Scarborough)

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/14 6:14 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Last time I spoke with Barr's office he would only deal with OHIP for breast reductions as apparently it's too much work to just get panni approval and not worth it for him.  That was a few years ago so definitely worth checking again.  You can always just call the office and ask.  There was another surgeon in Sudbury that did OHIP funded approved surgeries but I was told to stay away as he was a butcher.  Can't recall his name but that was also a few years ago.  Haven't heard of any surgeons in the north working with OHIP and most people head to the GTA if they are looking for any help with OHIP funded surgeries.

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