Another Newbie to OH forum.
Jane, I went through HRRH, and they crushed all of my pills, what couldnt be crushed (capsules) were taken apart. I would discuss the ramifications with your GP reguarding crushing and taking apart caps. Even still HRRH may decide to do it "their way" Just go with the flow and relax. I still wont take my capsule whols and my vit d and calcium I bite in half. I do not want an episode of something getting stuck EVER AGAIN. One time I didnt chew lunch meat properly and I was heaving with chills for over 5 hours. Trust yourself first, if you dont think you can swallow it whole then dont. They have pill crushers for sale in the pharmacy at HRRH, but you can buy the same one at the dollar store
I am thru HRRH. Its not up to us or our family Dr to decide. I was on five different meds some three times a day. Now I only have one med twice a day. Yay!
My family Dr had no idea what I was permitted to take postop. Dr Glazer goes over your meds with you and he will help you with that. He will tell you which ones you need to change and which to remove or cut or crush.
Dont panic you will have help.
Annette 😄
Call your pharmacy and make an appointment with the pharmacist (or drop by at a time they aren't very busy).
Review each medication with them and ask which ones can be crushed or removed from capsules and mixed with apple sauce. Also ask if they come in a sub-lingual or liquid form that you could switch to (be sure to review price differences).
Referral: Apr 2013; Orientation (HRRH): Aug 12, 2013; 1st Surgeon Appt (Dr Sohi): Aug 23, 2013; SW/RD/RN: Nov 8, 2013; Internist (Dr Glazer): Nov 14, 2013; 2nd Surgeon Appt: Nov 20, 2013; Start Opti: Jan 3, 2013; PATTS: Jan 16, 2014; Surgery: Jan 24, 2014
Thanks S...
Good advice. I have a good pharmacist so I'll ask him for his advice. I think I may need to change a couple of prescriptions because they are slow release and not crushable. They may change things when I'm at the hospital but at least I'll have a head start.
Congrat's on your weight so far...looks like you're on track. I look forward to reconnecting soon :)
I just looked in my info session booklet from Humber and it says:
"For 4-6 weeks use chewable or liquid forms of any pills. After this time, you can start to swallow pills if they are smaller than the size of an M&M. Speak to your pharmacist or doctor about crushing medications or changing to liquid or chewable forms"
I just reread the pamphlet and that was the only thing I saw about meds. I quoted from page 21 if you still have your copy. hope this helps and best of luck on your journey.