St. Joseph's Hamilton
Hi All: Just wondering....I have my Orientation class coming up at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton on April 7th (FINALLY)!! I have been waiting for Orientation since last October. Has anyone been through Hamilton for WLS and can tell me what time line I am looking at after orientation class? My work is flexible so I can be available anytime. I already have a date for an ultrasound and blood work at the end of this month to help the process along. Can anyone tell me whose been through SJHH how long it took to get to surgery? I'd appreciate any information. Patience isn't a problem for me, lord knows it's taken 6 months to just get to the Orientation class!! It's given me lots of time to research. Thanks !
Personally, my orientation was Feb 2013. My first appointments was not until July 2013. Second appointment and scopes were in August. Follow ups in September and then the surgeons appointment October (end of the month due to a vacation. Was advised on my surgery date 2 weeks later. I could have had surgery in November but due to work restriction I opted for December. Had surgery December 2nd 2013
All through st joes Hamilton. Based on that I would say dec or jan.
Hamilton is typically longer at first then the Toronto centres. Not as slow as Guelph though. The longest wait times are between orientation and first appointments. After that they come fast.
Referral: April 21, 2010 and October 19, 2012 Letter: November 9th, 2012 Orientation: February 4th, 2013 Nurse and Dietician: July 24th, 2013 Social Worker: September 17th, 2013 Internist: October 3rd, 2013 Dietician and Psychologist: October 4th, 2013 Surgeon Appointment with Dr. Gmora: October 30th, 2013 Surgery: December 2nd, 2013
St. Joe's Hamilton
on 3/16/14 11:02 am
If you're going to orientation in April, I'd think your first appointment won't be until late summer time. Just FYI if your bloodwork isn't within 2-3 months prior to that appointment, they'll make you repeat it. Not only that, you'd need to know exactly what tests they want or else you'll still need to go again. Better to wait until they send you the requisition. Ultrasound should be fine as long as you get abdominal wall thickness and liver size. Good luck!
My timeline is below, good luck to you. Once you get your first appointments things will really start moving. You can do your scope and sleep study through your family doctor, just one less step for you. Also after orientation work on the changes they suggest, no caffeine, no pop etc so you can show the nutritionist you've made them. This saved me a follow up appointment with them.
Orientation Hamilton: July 22, 2013 Ultrasound: December 18, 2013 Bloodwork/ECG: January 29, 2014 Nutritionist/Social Worker/RN: February 12, 2014 Gastroscopy: March 4, 2014 Internist: March 6, 2014 Surgeon: March 13, 2014 (cancelled by clinic) Echocardiogram: March 19, 2014 Rescheduled Surgeon: April 1, 2014 SURGERY: April 14/14
Thanks all ! That information has really helped. I will hold off on the blood work for now, and just go for my ultrasound the end of the month. I have a friend who is a few months ahead of me in this process and she gave me a copy of the blood work needed and I took that to my doctor, and she gave me a requisition, so that is why I thought I would go ahead early to get it done. If they want blood work recent to the first appointment, then I suppose I should wait. Don't want to have to do it twice. I don't have sleep apnea or any sleep issues and I had a scope last year, so I won't need to do that again. As for the caffeine...I don't drink coffee or tea. I use to drink pop, but gave that up last year. Figured might as well since I was having headaches. Once I stopped, so did the headaches! I sure hope this all helps the process. Thanks everyone who answered, I appreciate your time!
Hi there!
I'm at St Joe's too and just had my orientation a couple of weeks ago March 10th! It went well...mostly info. Someone asked and they said we should have the surgery before year I am hopeful! My referral went in September and it feels like forever!!
whereabouts are you? I'm in Burlington.
Good luck!
I had my orientation at St. Joe's in July 2013. Never received any documentation about my first appointment and waited months to hear anything. Finally after a few messages, I got a phone call in December to let me know my first appointment with the Nutritionist and Nurse would be April 17th. That ended up getting bumped up due to a cancellation. So my first appointment was January 26th. I've had Bloodwork, X-Ray's, ECG, Lung Capacity Test, Oximeter and Abdominal Ultrasound. I also had to see an Urologist because of prior Kidney Stones, he had me do more bloodwork, a CT Scan and 48 hour urine collection. I saw both the Social Worker and Internist in March. Was supposed to have a Gastroscopy on April 3 but it was cancelled and rescheduled for April 28th. I see the surgeon on April 24th.
Good luck with everything!