What are you doing/eating today (Friday)

on 3/13/14 8:10 pm, edited 3/13/14 8:50 pm

RNY 4 Years 11 Months Post Op


Off to meet my trainer this morning...then chores...meeting friends tonight.  Get the house back and my computer this afternoon....and no company

Will post eats later... I think my battery is going


Trying to go ultra low carb and calorie today.....the past 10 days with company I have eaten out too much and consumed too much "stuff"


STEPS - 11650


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


L - 2 ham-cheese-pickle roll ups


S - Dannon light and fit Greek yogurt


D - 1 cheeseburger with no bun......tomatoes - onions and pickle


S - 1/2 hamburg patty


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 775,  Carbs - 22 grams,  Fat - 25 grams,  Protein - 108 grams


All water and vits....decaf coffee and tea

Have a great one  






on 3/13/14 11:24 pm - Toronto, Canada

Good morning Barb.

Always a good idea to shake things up with a low carb day. I've never completed a 5 day pouch test, but felt the restriction back after 3 days.

I slept a full night!! Yay! And I feel much better too.

Coming up to THREE YEARS post RNY (crazy!)

Spin class and weights

B : goat yogurt mixed with source yogurt, chia seeds and hemp hearts

S: Queen street bread (White bean Millet) and peanut butter

L: chicken and veggies

S: rest of chicken and veggies

D: Montana's steak fajita's and two tortillas (might only get one in, but i'm counting two)

Totals: Cal: 1,218 Carb: 88 Fat: 56 Protein: 108 Fibre: 20 Sugar: 31

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 3/13/14 11:26 pm

3 Years!!....it goes so fast eh?......


I have restriction.....still cant manage a full sized chicken breast.....I can eat 1 of the small ones you find in packages.....4 oz worth......but if I graze....watch out....and of course you learn how to fit more in...unfortunately.......its all a mind game....






on 3/13/14 11:42 pm - Toronto, Canada

Oh, I also still have a lot of restriction, with protein. I can eat a chicken breast...over two hours (which is what i'll do today). But Carbs, glorious carbs, are so easy to eat. So I shouldn't bother right? But I do, once in awhile. So if I'm off-track (which I was recently for a few days), I find a few days of dense protein gets me right again. More than anything, I feel that my stomach area gets smaller, not necessarily the feeling in my pouch. I bloat with carbs.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 3/14/14 9:58 am

queen street bread is the best!! I love the white bean and grape skin one.  amazing taste!

on 3/13/14 11:44 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Not in a very good head space today. I will have to watch the eats. I am having a protein bar this afternoon in  the hopes I do not give in to the bowl of candy my coworker has. I will make sure I go for a walk at some point to get away from my desk.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

s baby bel

l chili, yogurt

s pure protein bar

d stir fry chicken, salad

s wine

cal 141, carb 97.5, prot 70

Have a good day everyone.






on 3/14/14 2:02 am

Hi Pat

Its difficult to give a damn every day eh?......sometimes I get sick of tracking everything and allow a free for all......and after a day or two ( or three sometimes)....I get sick of "stuff" and get back to my regular eats.......






on 3/14/14 2:07 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Had someone this week make a sarcastic comment of so miss skinny with the perfect kids. I realise the person who said it has issues but it brought back all my insecurities. I am trying writing it down and it has helped a little. I just wish that at 61 I would grow up and get over crap. I just sometimes feel it is so hard to be normal. Yeah life has not always been great but over eating will not make it better just make me sadder.

Enough whining for now





on 3/14/14 4:02 am

that's not whining......and yes it sounds like that person has issues......passive aggressive or what?........

I pretty much don't give a **** anymore what others say or think......I will certainly listen if someone criticizes me - especially someone I respect.....too many passive aggressive out there for me....I usually confront them....in a nice way....but I just don't let them get away with stuff anymore.....I turned 58 last month.....always had confidence....but the digs would hurt....now I just move them out of my life.....






on 3/14/14 4:03 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I thought I was past this as well. Unfortunately we will have to work closely when she returns to work. Not looking forward to this.





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