Low Vit D and Iron D
As most of you know I'm pre op and going though the process. My blood work came back with low Iron and low Vit D. My family doc told me to get Ferris gluconate which I did and I have been taking them its not that bad other than the black stool. But the Vit D stumps me I never had low Vit D before I have an Rx to take in and I will get it filled and take them but I have tanning minutes left should I go tanning will that help? any suggestions on how to up my Low Vit D would be great..............OH AND I LOST 8LBS SO FAR WOOT!!!!!!!
Congrats on those 8lbs! That's great progress pre-op :) As for using up your tanning minutes, go ahead, but it likely will not affect your vitamin D levels. Tanning beds emit a large amount of UVA rays so that you will tan and not burn, but you also need UBV rays for your skin to synthesize vitamin D. But exposure to UVB rays can burn your skin, so tanning beds use UVA mostly. You're better off spending 15-20 minutes outside on a sunny day, a few days a week, to get the benefits of sunshine. But since it's so freaking cold out, vitamin D supplements should help :)
There is a good chance you have never been checked for vitamin D. It is not something most doctors put on a standard blood test. A large portion of people living in northern climates have vit D deficiency without knowing it.
I would take the D, you will have to after surgery anyway
Congrats on losing the 8 lbs may it be the start of much more
In pre op too and my blood work came back low vit D and high ish cholesterol... Which had never happened before. I've already modified my diet a ton since even before I got those. I've also started taking a multivitamin. I'm sure I'll get more instructions at my follow up appointment.
Wtg on the 8lb loss :)
Orientation Feb 6 @ Guelph, Nurse Feb 13, Blood Work Feb 14,
Ultrasound Feb 19, Dietican Feb 24, Social Worker Feb 25
Follow Up Appointments with all 3 Apr. 3 2014
LIving in the North I have had low VItamin D for a long time..so I take Bio-D-Mulsion Forte it's a liquid supplement and I put it into my decaf coffee and it works wonders.
My iron was low until I had a hysterectomy a little over a year ago...never higher than 6...now it's in the normal range~!
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN