Ups & Downs

Robyn R.
on 3/6/14 10:46 am - Bowmanville, Canada

So I had a wonderful visit with Dr Hagen today. 6 weeks post op and down 52 lbs. still tired and emotionally spent.  Battling food demons on a daily basis but I am winning!  Had my MRI on my knee and should have my report on Monday. Actually did both my dance classes tonight (tap & jazz). I have not done them both since before surgery. And to top it off, my son comes home with a freakin case of chocolate covered almonds. They so used to be my vice. Truth be told, I'm scared to death of dumping so I will not be having any. Man I wish the school warned us about these damn things coming home!

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 3/6/14 9:39 pm - Canada

You are doing awesome at 6 weeks!!! It is definitely hard to resist all the yummy when my boyfriend brings home KFC, McDonald's, Donuts etc. I totally hear you on that one. 

Keep up the great work!! 

 Referral sent Sept 2012 -Info Session -January 7 2013.  Surgeon (Dr. Huynh-HRRH) February 5 2013. Dr. Glazer, Nurse, SW and NUT -> March 25 2013, May 1st, Surgeon, Patts-June 6. SURGERY JUNE 26 2013!! 100 lbs gone in 4 months!


on 3/6/14 10:06 pm - Arnprior, Canada

You are doing great.  Food demons will always be a battle. Take the almonds to work and sell them there, they always go fast at my office.



on 3/7/14 10:11 pm - Peterborough, Canada

 I totally hear you!  My two downfalls are cookies and chocolate eggs and they had both at work this week. Arghhh. I did manage to stay away and didn't have any. Takes a lot of self talk and willpower. I hope the damn eggs are gone soon. They had a huge basket of them. 


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