Sleep study

(deactivated member)
on 3/1/14 12:01 am - Canada

"sleep study is recommended only in extreme cases".  What?? Untrue. 

on 3/1/14 12:29 pm
VSG on 12/16/13

As per my Doc and Anesthetist Sleep Study is recommended for patients who has severe OSD or Apnea. People who keep dozing off randomly during the day even while conversing or driving. Thought i would share what i was told / recommended. I did use a Bipap post which Doc said study was not required and in fact post my VSG i dont have apnea anymore at all.


 SW : 404   CW : 294 GW : 180



(deactivated member)
on 3/1/14 10:14 pm - Canada

Without a sleep study, how would they know they have sleep apnea?  I was told by my centre that the majority of WLS patients are sent for the study, even if its just because the circumference of your neck exceeds a certain size 40? 42?  With the narcotics they use for surgery and the anesthesia, they really don't want people dropping dead on the table.

on 2/28/14 9:54 pm - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

The NP did ask me some questions, if I had asthma, etc. I told her that "apparently" I snore, and she still said it was fine. I would hate for this to hold things up.... Maybe i will give my Dr. a call.

I am in Mississauga, anyone know how long it takes to have one done in this area?  




on 2/28/14 11:07 pm - Newmarket, Canada

I am hearing more and more about people needing to get a sleep study done. 

When I was going thru the process, I was at my PATTs and the internist said I had sleep apnea. I told him that I didn't/don't have it. We argued about it. I have never been tested. 

I have a friend (She went to her dr and talked to him about wls in Nov. She is having these tests in March and her orientation) that lives in Beaverton and she is just starting the process. She has booked appts for a bone density test and a sleep study. I have been reading and watching and seeing sooo many people needing a sleep test, I suggested that she ask her dr for it and he thought it was a great idea.

I had also suggested the bone density test. When I went for my 3yr follow up, the nurse said she didn't see any results in my file. I told her I had never had one done; Right away she ordered it and I just had it done (I waited 6months for this test). I look back on it now and wish I had it done before my RNY, to have a "baseline" for the future.

"Who Should Get a Bone Density Scan?

Bone density testing is used to assess the strength of the bones and the probability of fracture in persons at risk for osteoporosis. The test, referred to as bone densitometry or bone mineral density scan (BMD), is a simple, noninvasive procedure that takes just minutes."


Lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis. A bone density test is good to have before surgery (IMO) eoporosis/   Good site to check out

You should also search "sleep apnea and wls" There is many things to read. Having the sleep study to find out if you have it, is a wise choice. It is for your safety while you are having surgery. The anesthesiologist will need to know to make sure your oxygen levels and everything are ok. 


 It doesn't hurt to have these tests done. At least if your centre wants them done, then they will be and you can give them the results. 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


Lisa J.
on 3/24/14 11:51 am
RNY on 10/23/14

Hi Blueiiis, I got referred to the Queensway Sleep Lab near Sherway and got in within a week but they told me the results take 4-5 weeks to get back.

Ref:Jan20/14, Orientation (GGH):Mar20, Sleep Study:Mar22, RN:Mar24, RD/SW:Apr1, 2nd RN/RD/SW:June5, Post-Op Class:Aug18, Meet Surgeon (Dr. Reed):Sept12, PATTS:Oct1, Optifast:Oct9, Surgery:Oct23/14!!!

on 3/1/14 2:27 am, edited 3/1/14 2:27 am
RNY on 12/05/13

Holding things up is far better than risking cardiac arrest on the operating table. But each to his own. 

I seriously doubt it impacts the timeline that much. 

I felt totally prepared when I had my surgery thanks to the pre screening and testing that I went through. 

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/1/14 8:11 am - Marmora, Canada
On March 1, 2014 at 10:27 AM Pacific Time, Sunny123 wrote:

Holding things up is far better than risking cardiac arrest on the operating table. But each to his own. 

I seriously doubt it impacts the timeline that much. 

I felt totally prepared when I had my surgery thanks to the pre screening and testing that I went through. 

I really agree with your comment. I am so thankful I was made to have the sleep study. I never thought I had a problem and found out I stop breathing 28x it scared the sh!;& out of me. Once I was using my CPAP machine I sleep amazing and didn't realize how terrible I felt! The machine is 200 and it's the best money my husband says we ever spent. There are a lot of tests and waiting at times but use it to prepare yourself for very major change!

on 3/2/14 12:17 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

I have to chime in here. I had a cardiac arrest in November 2011, at home early in the morning. I woke up, sat up, gasped and literally died and fell out of bed. I won't go in to the horrible details, but I will tell you that I didn't know I had sleep apnea. Overweight, yup, snored, yup, high blood pressure, yup.

Many, many people going through this wls process seem to have different protocols regarding sleep apnea. My brother in law is an anesthesiologist. He works in the states and every one of his patients must have a sleep test prior to surgery. Without it, his hospital and insurance don't approve the surgery. Sounds extreme, but imperative if patients fit the mo like I did with hypertension, obesity etc. 

I know many that have had the sleep study (why they call it sleep study I will never know, I don't think I slept five minutes!) anyway, many have the study and are shocked to find out they have it. Many don't, which is great! I admit the cpap is no fun getting used to, it took me months to get used to it. But, it is saving my life each and every night I wear it. 

Now, 9 months out, my cpap settings have been adjusted to the second lowest setting with the next step, tucking this little machine away. Some people's OSA improve after wls and some actually get to stop using their cpap machines. 

Good luck with your journey, I appolgize for hijacking your post, honestly I just want people to know, OSA is serious, deadly if untreated. It's not a great way to spend an evening hooked up to machines with wires all over your head and body, but the alternative ?. 

Annette 😄

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 3/2/14 12:38 am

Everyone in Kingston seems to have to get one - I think. I did and turns out I had severe sleep apnea and I had no idea ! Now using a CPAP machine and finding I have more energy during the day.


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