RNY surgery in Hamilton St.Joes Hospital February 2014

on 3/2/14 9:40 am - Canada
RNY on 02/16/14

I have had my surgery on Feb 16, 2014 and am interested in chatting with others that have had a recent surgery as well.  Transition to pureed foods has just begun for me but is going very well.  I am concerned about not losing the weight as I expect.  Is it possible this won't work?  It doesn't appear to be much different now than before the surgery in regards to eating solids.  Very minimal change, just chew it well and it goes down...I have lost 17lbs total since one week before surgery, including the optifast week.  Wondering if I stayed on fluids will weight fall off faster?







(deactivated member)
on 3/2/14 9:58 am


I had my surgery Feb 4th, one thing you have to remember is your body has been thru hell. You had major surgery, and you need to give it time to catch up with you. The weight will come off if you follow the plan. The surgery is just a tool, you need to help it along as well. Do not stay on just fluids, your body needs nutrients. You must follow what your surgeon, nutritionist ect have told you. I was 328 pounds starting 3 weeks of optifast, day of surgery 311, today 290. so since surgery almost a month ago I have lost 21 pound... thats just over 5 pounds a week, I am happy about that. Remember this surgery is not a quick fix, you have to be devoted to work with it. You will succeed, but also patients is required.


on 3/3/14 7:54 am - Canada
RNY on 10/09/13

Be patient and follow your guidelines. I too had surgery in Hamilton and in the beginning weight loss was a little slow as your body has just gone through a traumatic experience. Try to weigh yourself only once a week and focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit. We tend to get so wrapped up on that number. One day you'll get on there and you'll have lost 10 lbs overnight.  Keep your meals to 3 a day and remember to try to get your water and protein into you. Being this new it's hard to get all your water in. sugar free freezes helped a lot at this stage. I also found fitness pal helped me track my protien. You say only 17lbs now but you're likely losing inches. My chest was in a hurry to shrink LOL. Down 65lbs to date. Remember walk and sip, sip, sip :)


on 3/4/14 10:05 pm - Canada
RNY on 02/16/14

kind of worried, i can drink no problem, I can even eat with no issues.  I just have to eat slowly and chew well. but there is no limit to the types of food I can eat.  I accidentally ate 1//2 a timbit at hockey the other night! my toddler gave it to me and I just popped it in my mouth - honestly I completely forgot!!! i waited to see if I would implode but nothing happened!!   I have started soft food and have been eating canned tuna, melba toast, and boiled eggs. no problems and now if seems I have even gained a few pounds, yesterday I had all my protein, with  the help of canned chicken, and a few boiled eggs and of course boost.  I am just so nervous this is not going to work.  it seems my 17 lbs is now only about 10!!! what is going on? I don't see nutritionist until Mar 25. I am following the book, but I feel like I want to go back to the beginning and just drink shakes and water.  mentally this is harder than I thought.  I really do not want to eat anything solid in fear of gaining weight.  I even did my urine this morning and saw no ketones.  they show up when you are burning fat as a by product in your urine.  i should definitely have ketones!!!  l am kind of struggling with work - i feel like I can go back, but I am paid by benefits to stay off, and I am loving this time with my babies! plus the friends at work, are going to expect some difference, but visually there is none at all!!!   any one on facebook?

I wish I could turn off my head!  I have just been struggling with weight for so long, and finally decided to do this surgery, took all this time from work and effected my family, and i really see no difference at all.







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