New to Forum - Guelph

on 2/28/14 1:47 am, edited 2/28/14 1:07 pm

Hi all, Kari here.  I will be honest and have been trolling the website for weeks now trying to gain information and insight as to what lies ahead for me if I am a suitable candidate for surgery. I must say mixed emotions Excitement and Fear! My orientation is next Thur Mar. 6th. I have been doing a lot of research online in regards to the surgery pre/post op. I know 2 women who have also had RNY with great success so far (both under 3 years in).

I have noticed that this process for some can be very lengthy, so I am hoping to speed up the process (on an administrative level so-to-speak). I was referred by my family doctor in late Jan/14, I received my invite to orientation letter 2 weeks later and have managed to have my ultrasound (today) and requesitions for my blood work done, all before my orientation next Thurs (Mar.6) I do live in Guelph - that is also where I will be attending the Bariatric clinic. Luckily enough, I am a full-time Mature student @ York U and do not work so this leaves me great flexibility with booking appointments etc. My current BMI is 42.9.

I welcome any and all advice, comments etc. that can help me in this journey

Thanks Kari


SW- 285 lbs Ref Jan/14 ~ Rec'd clinic letter Feb/14 ~ Ultrasound - Feb 28/14 ~ Orientation - Mar 6/14 ~ RN - Mar 12/14 ~ Bloodwork Mar 17/14 ~ RD/SW appt - Mar 24/14 ~ 2nd RN/RD/SW appt - May 22/14 ~ Post-Op Eating Class - July 21/14 ~ Surgeons appt w/ Dr. Pereira-Hong - Aug 5/14 ~ Opti Aug 18-25/14 ~ Surgery Aug 25/14




on 2/28/14 3:16 am - Newmarket, Canada

Welcome to the forum!!! 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/28/14 7:05 am

Thank you Leanne, Congrats on your continued success!


SW- 285 lbs Ref Jan/14 ~ Rec'd clinic letter Feb/14 ~ Ultrasound - Feb 28/14 ~ Orientation - Mar 6/14 ~ RN - Mar 12/14 ~ Bloodwork Mar 17/14 ~ RD/SW appt - Mar 24/14 ~ 2nd RN/RD/SW appt - May 22/14 ~ Post-Op Eating Class - July 21/14 ~ Surgeons appt w/ Dr. Pereira-Hong - Aug 5/14 ~ Opti Aug 18-25/14 ~ Surgery Aug 25/14




on 2/28/14 7:30 am - Newmarket, Canada

You're welcome 


BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/28/14 4:56 am - Canada

Welcome! I find this forum very helpful. I had my surgery 8 months ago and still check this website almost every day.  There is almost always something to learn. Just go one day at a time and enjoy the journey.


Referral Date: May 29, 2012;  TWH     Orientation: June 19,2012;     Nurse Practitioner Group Session and Social Worker Initial Assessment: September 25, 2012;     Nurse Practitioner One-on-One and Psych. Assessment: January 18, 2013;     Met with surgeon: March 8, 2013;     Pre-Op scheduled: June 20,2013;   Surgery scheduled: July 17, 2013!    Surgery Completed!



on 2/28/14 7:07 am

Thank you Curious, Wishing you continued success! I will surely continue to read up on as much as I can.


SW- 285 lbs Ref Jan/14 ~ Rec'd clinic letter Feb/14 ~ Ultrasound - Feb 28/14 ~ Orientation - Mar 6/14 ~ RN - Mar 12/14 ~ Bloodwork Mar 17/14 ~ RD/SW appt - Mar 24/14 ~ 2nd RN/RD/SW appt - May 22/14 ~ Post-Op Eating Class - July 21/14 ~ Surgeons appt w/ Dr. Pereira-Hong - Aug 5/14 ~ Opti Aug 18-25/14 ~ Surgery Aug 25/14




on 2/28/14 8:17 am

welcome to the forum, I find it very helpful as I am getting closer to surgery although dont have a date yet but I meet the surgeon on Monday !


on 2/28/14 10:51 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Hi and welcome!

I am 9 months post op and I read the forums everyday, there is always something new to learn.

I went through Guelph as well.

All the best to you on your journey 








on 2/28/14 11:44 am

Thank you Tanya


SW- 285 lbs Ref Jan/14 ~ Rec'd clinic letter Feb/14 ~ Ultrasound - Feb 28/14 ~ Orientation - Mar 6/14 ~ RN - Mar 12/14 ~ Bloodwork Mar 17/14 ~ RD/SW appt - Mar 24/14 ~ 2nd RN/RD/SW appt - May 22/14 ~ Post-Op Eating Class - July 21/14 ~ Surgeons appt w/ Dr. Pereira-Hong - Aug 5/14 ~ Opti Aug 18-25/14 ~ Surgery Aug 25/14




on 2/28/14 11:21 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13

Make sure you get that sleep study done... it took over 2 months to get the results back for me.


Referral sent - Jan 11/13  Orientation - Apr 4/13  Nurse & Dietitian - Apr 8/13 (287 lbs)   Food Class - Apr 10/13  Social worker - Apr 29/13   Nurse, Dietitian & Social worker - Jun 3/13 (284 lbs)   Meet Surgeon - Oct 31/13 (277 lbs)   Post-op food class - Nov 4/13   PATTS - Nov 6/13 & Nov 15/13   Surgery - Nov 19/13 (264 lbs)


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