Got my Surgery date!-Ottawa

on 3/1/14 12:44 pm - Iroquois, Canada

Jiliana I see that you the VSG... May I ask why the surgeon decided to go with that over the RNY?  I would much prefer the VSG.  How are you finding it?

Referral July 3, 2013 * Orientation October 16, 2013 * Nurse Practitioner November 6, 2013 * Ultrasound December 9, 2013 * Nutritionist & Social Worker December 12, 2013 * 2nd Nutritionist January 27, 2014  *Pulmonary Functions Test Feb 6, 2014* Endoscopy Feb 14, 2014*  2nd Nurse Practitioner March 3, 2014*  Pre-Surgical Class April 16, 2014* Surgeon Dr. Neville May 20, 2014* Surgery October 2, 2014

Nicole M.
on 2/26/14 5:54 am - Canada

Congrats Willow...... I'm so happy for you.  I guess it was worth the long wait after all :)

Referral to WMC Ottawa: Nov. 2012 - Sleep Study & Blood work June 2012 - Orientation Aug. 23 2013 - Nut/Beh Jan. 21 2014 - Psychologist  Feb. 20 2014 - 2nd Nut/Beh March 13 2014, 2nd Assess April 3 2014 - Surgeon Sept. 30, 2014 - PAU Nov 25/14 - Surgery Dec 10/2014 *** SW 259lbs - Post Opti 245lbs ***


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