Post-ops gone???

on 2/24/14 9:55 pm

I'm almost 14 months post-op... and doing great.

The weight loss has slowed down.  I had a two year goal planned and still on track.  I'm 46 lbs from my goal, giving myself at least a 10 lb cushion for maintenance. 

It was certainly worth the 21 month wait from referral, but if I had known about the program earlier I would have had this surgery 10 years ago.


      Have learned that I can't measure my journey only by what I've lost.  I've gained health and extra time on this earth ... that is most important

on 2/25/14 5:47 am

I keep hearing that about wishing it had been done earlier.  Glad to hear things are going well.

on 2/24/14 11:42 pm - Ottawa, ON, Canada

There are many of us here -- me?  It's been thirteen months since surgery, I'm down 88 pounds and healthier than I have been in many years.  

There's no way I'm leaving OH, and I'm not leaving MFP, either.  Both of these places are essential parts of my toolkit for a longer life.

I had an uneventful recovery, have plans for continued weight loss, and some days are great, others not so much.  Oh wait ... that's not anything to do with surgery, that's real life.  *grin*

Thanks for jump starting the conversation, Zizzler. 

Marilyn (aka mmm)

Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 2/25/14 5:49 am

Nice to hear from you again Chipmunk

on 2/25/14 1:42 am - Canada
RNY on 08/30/13

I am 6 months out and have had no surgery complications. I am down 121 lbs as of this morning and I find I am busier with life outside and off the computer.

I check in with the What are you doing/eating thread - to keep myself on track and accountable but I don't always post in the main Ontario Forum. The threads get to be repetitive  with the same questions over and over and I know people are new and looking for information --- but the search function is an awesome tool :). Much of the time I don't have anything to contribute as the question has been answered 5 times in 5 different threads in the past week... so I just abstain. 

I am still here, just selective on what threads I participate in. 



Referral: July, 2012 Orientation TWH: November 12, 2012 NP/SW: March 25, 2013 Sleep Study: April 15, 2013 Nutrition Class: April 16, 2013 Dietitian: June 19, 2013 Psych: June 25, 2013  Dr OkrainecAugust 2, 2013  PATTS: August 9, 2013 Surgery Dr. Urbach: August 30, 2013

on 2/25/14 2:30 am

Hello, i am 8 months out and no issues so far..I try and post every weekday on What are you eating and doing. And read posts as much as possible.. I follow my guide lines and have totally changed my life..I still have no hunger and i eat to live...I will be cheering all of you on waiting for surgery, i love watching every ones progress......Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/25/14 5:52 am

Thanks for the updates everyone - yay!

on 2/25/14 10:17 am - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Just over three weeks post-op in Ottawa and all is well. 

I've progressed to eating sliced meats, but boy, it took me 20 minutes the other day to eat one slice of ham! That's incredible to me. Tonight I had turkey soup with some protein powder mixed in and I just barely managed half a cup. I don't get any feelings of hunger (I know that won't always be that way) but I sure know when my sleeve has had enough! 

The first time I ate a scrambled egg, I wasn't paying close attention. I ate it way too fast and OMG, I paid for it! Heartburn and 'stuck' feeling from H-E-two sticks! Absolutely incredible. It taught me a lesson, that's for sure. 

I started this journey at 297. I am now at about 250 (my scale and the one at the clinic are different). Incredible for me to believe that I've lost almost 50 pounds since January 11. I've already had to buy new clothes for work; no way will my stuff fit me to go back to the office! They slide down my hips. I wouldn't even get into my building before they were around my ankles. 

I go back to work next week. My next concern is figuring out lunches and the like. I'm brainstorming a little bit this week and making lists of things that I can eat, that are portable, and things that I can easily prepare at the office. Crossing my fingers the return isn't too difficult! 

The only thing that's bugging me is my itchy skin! It's particularly bad on my back. I have scratched until I bleed, it's sooooo excruciatingly annoying. I've tried all kinds of creams. The only thing that helps is a half of a Benadryl pill so I'm doing that and it eases up enough to let me sleep. I'm thinking I have a mild allergy to something in the vitamins that I'm taking. Must discuss that next time I see the clinic.

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

on 2/25/14 10:46 am

Best of luck to you when returning to work - you are smart to plan.

Hopefully your doc can help with the itching.  Could it just be very dry skin?

I know my hands are extremely dry to the point they crack and bleed at the knuckles sometimes.

My lips too.  I can't wait for spring!

Onward and

on 2/25/14 12:45 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting much lately. Lots of family stuff happening so I'm distracted. 

Anyhow, I'm one of the "no complications" folks.  About 10 months out, I started having huge family and job stress, but luckily I've managed to develop some good habits before that, so my weight has basically settled around 175-180 lbs.  At about a year out, I started having some real issues with cravings and giving in to urges, but no weight gain came with it.  To make sure I stay on track (and maybe even lose a bit more if I can), I've started cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) through TWH.  I'm in the middle of it right now and I'm finding it very helpful, even though I'm going through a difficult time.

I'm still posting and attending the Toronto East Ender coffee night - if you're in the area and interested in going, the info is in my signature line below.  Most of the people who go are post-op, but pre-ops are more than welcome, and we do get the occasional pre-op coming out.

For the most part, I'm doing fantastic. Just got a bike last week and I've been riding even in winter weather on nice days, and I can't believe that I can actually do it - I wasn't able to at all before surgery, or even the years beforehand when I wasn't at my highest weight.  Now it's no problem. And I regularly swim 1 km in laps three mornings a week.  I'm thankful every day for this surgery, believe me!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


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