What are you doing/eating today (Sunday)

on 2/22/14 7:25 pm

RNY  4 Years 10 Months Post Op


I had a surprise upset win yesterday.....so today I get to play for the cup.....my opponent is very good......I am thrilled to have made it this far especially injured.....

My eats today will be unusual as I will need fuel for 4 hours in the heat and humidity.....needed a big OJ over ice to keep low sugar at bay yesterday......

STEPS - 11265


B - 2 large mugs of coffee while watching the hockey game!

    Premier protein shake


L - ham- cheese - pickle on an Arnolds 100 calorie thin


On course - Smuckers P/B and Jam crustables

                 Nature Valley granola bar - 2 bar pack

                 8 oz OJ over ice


D - 4 oz roasted turkey with 2 TB of cranberries

    1 cup garden salad with dressing

     couple bites of veggies

     9 oz wine over a 3 hour period


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,417,  Carbs - 148 grams,  Fat - 37 grams,  Protein - 87 grams


3-4 litres of water....all vits

Have a great one   






on 2/22/14 8:47 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

8.5 Months Post Op



Good Morning! What a great day for a Hockey Game!!!

Congrats on you win yesterday Barb!! And good luck today for the cup!

Watching the game this morning (along with everyone else).

My parents are coming to visit for a week or so and to help me after gall bladder surgery( Can't wait until the menecing little sucker is gone!!!)

I will be going for a long walk with the dog after the game.

B-protein coffee, egg white fritta w/ mushrooms, onion and ham.

S-3/4 cup greek yogurt with SF Jello pudding powder mixed in

L-Sunny's Greek Turkey Burger :) no bun,  with kale salad and poppyseed dressing

D- not sure, hubby wants to order Chinese. I will likely have the Greek Turkey burger w/ no bun again

S-mandarine orange , Source Cherry yogurt.


Have a "GOLD" Day!!!!







on 2/22/14 11:20 pm

Good luck with your gallbladder - you will be amazed at how much better you feel with it out

on 2/23/14 12:14 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Thank you







on 2/22/14 9:44 pm - Newmarket, Canada

Good morning :)

3.5yrs post-op, RNY, maintaining

Have fun today Barb!! Congrats on your win

Resting today other then having to do some laundry and dishes.


B- 'costco' breakfast sausage, bacon, few homefries

L- ham sandwich

D- planned burgers (we have the BIG ones from costco)

snacks- yoguart, not sure what else yet for today


All vitamins and liquids in

Have a great day :)

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/22/14 9:46 pm, edited 2/22/14 9:47 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

11 weeks +

Way to go Barb. You have become the threat that you usually are- keep it up-win that cup! :o)

I hope you enjoy the turkey burger Tanya - Tracey has suggest doing it in the oven to keep it moist - we have a smoker and it keeps juices in. She also suggested tzatziki sauce which I think would be great to try.

I am watching the hockey game. I sure hope we win, that would be GREAT!

B- fried egg, back bacon

S- mixed nuts

Lunch –TVP chili cheese string

S- laughing cow, melba

Dinner –chicken breast cottage cheese

FITNESS PAL Calories 1087 Carbs 64 Fat 49 Protein 90

Go Canada Go!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/22/14 9:57 pm

I put tzatziki sauce on fish too....love it






on 2/22/14 10:02 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

OHHH...tzatziki would be so good on them! I have everything here to make my own tzatziki sauce.

Thanks for the oven suggestion too.

Go Canada Go!







on 2/22/14 9:53 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You go Barb. Hope you do well today. Don't forget your sport drinks. I remember you said they helped you in the heat.

I got in 8500 steps yesterday. this amazed me since I didn't think I went that far. My walk in the morning was cut short. The wind was just too brutal. When my husband is home my dog wants to walk with him. If I take him out he will keep stopping and looking back to see if he is coming. Yesterday I stopped at our dog walkers to pay him. As we are leaving the dog kept stopping and looking back waiting for him! What a traitor. Here i m out in miserable weather walking him and he wants the dog walker. I am obviously very low on his list of people.

My cold has my brain a little fogged so I am not sure about dinner or later today. I am also not sure if my daughter and her boyfriend are coming for dinner. So will have to sort that out.

b. greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l ham and pea soup

s pure protein bar

d chicken, salad, acorn squash

s yogurt

cal 861, carb 80, prot 81

Go Canada We are winning so far





on 2/22/14 9:58 pm

That's funny re you dog....lol

The hockey is killing me.....I get far too excited!!






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