What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 2/21/14 10:21 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all.Have fun golfing Barb

Somehow I have managed to get yet another cold. You would think with all the vitamins we take I would be immune. Oh well off for a walk with the dog today. It is pretty windy out so I will see if I can make it a long walk or not. Then the usual laundry and errands. I need to find some inexpensive table cloths for work. Ones we can just wash and store.

I have been feeling sorry for myself lately and giving into food. Need to stop before my clothes do not fit

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l moo shu pork, apple

s pure protein bar

d meat loaf with salsa

s not sure

cal 840, carb 59, prot 78





on 2/21/14 10:59 pm

Hi Pat....I'm sure the ****ty winter isn't helping your mood......hopefully March will bring some warmth and more sunshine....take it easy






on 2/21/14 10:55 pm - London, Canada

Good morning I hope golf goes good for you. There is still knee deep snow here (just outside of London,on) 

B- chocolate cherry smoothie with a bit of spinach 

L- mc donalds snack wrap with grilled chicken and no sauce. Apple chips

S- not sure going to see my cousin later so whatever she makes

Im going to ceramics class with my son for the morning then off to buy a new motherboard for my computer then maybe ice skating 




on 2/21/14 11:01 pm

Hi....I am assuming you are pre-op......GOOD for you to begin recording your food.....its the habit that has assisted me the most in keeping on the straight and narrow






on 2/21/14 11:16 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

It is a good habit to get into - I don't think I could do this without this site and this thread in particular!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/22/14 4:06 am - Newmarket, Canada

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/22/14 1:46 am, edited 2/22/14 1:46 am

I am pre-op


Made a nice curry last night - cauliflower and chickpeas made rice not necessary.

Going out for a special meal tonight so there is a treat included here.  I do not keep potatoes, rice, or pasta in my house at all because they are my trigger food.  So I treat myself twice a month to a potato serving, either mashed or fries.  I find if I keep it to one serving I am still ok, but more than that and all I crave are potatoes.  Same with pasta and rice.  I love them so much but they do not love me back lol 

Breakfast - Tofu, chickpea, and cauliflower curry

Snack - sf snack pack chocolate with plain protein powder mixed in

Lunch - Tofu, chickpea, and cauliflower curry

Dinner - Turkey burger patty with cheese, avocado, treat: 1 serving French fries (I have them only once a month so I make sure they are the best ones)

snack - low carb high protein bread with peanut butter


Wish everyone a nice weekend!


Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 2/22/14 4:06 am - Newmarket, Canada

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/22/14 1:47 am, edited 2/22/14 7:20 am - Newmarket, Canada

Good afternoon :)

3.5yrs post-op, RNY, maintaining :D

We don't really have anything planned for today. I am still in my housecoat/slippers and reeeeelaxing!! My nurse is coming between 3&5 today. We "might" go ice skating this evening, even if it's only for a short time. DH is worried that it may be too much for my tummy, we'll see I guess. I am bored and just want to do something. 

B- egg, bacon, homefries and toast... I hardly ate any of it

L- 1/2 hot dog (no bun), 1 forkful of KD (DH wants KD)

D- changed after grocery shopping- chicken wrap and little bit of chicken noodle soup

snacks- yoguart... and I feel like chocolate today (hopefully I don't look like chocolate  ) 

Getting in my vitamins.. DrNandagopal (and/or his assistant, depends on who I see when I go) ask me if I am getting them in, every time I see them. They told me they want me to get in at least 65-70g protein/day. If I can get more in, then that's good too. I think I am doing good at that. I am pretty close today to 70g


Have a great day everyone 


Today was not a good food day as I had planned. Simply just not interested in food today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/23/14 2:47 am - London, Canada

Thanks everyone Im very pre op I have only done my nurse consult and my nut class I see the social worker and doctor on march 6th but I want to change my lifestyle so I have been using my fitness pal that everyone recommends which is wonderful and Im also thinking on getting a fitbit. I also started aquafit three times a week. I find everyone on here supportive and good help to keep me on track. Im just running into problems on what things to eat and not eat I been doing so many different diets over the years im so screwed up that I have no clue lol but its a learning process




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