RnY vs VSG for PCOS

(deactivated member)
on 2/21/14 4:27 am

I am with heavy heart today after talking to RN and RD. They were really pushing RnY, while saying "I am not really selling it"

RD did mention that RnY is more of a metabolic surgery tnan VSG and it will give better results for PCOS. Any sleevers with PCOS out there ? I am completely lost

on 2/21/14 5:25 am - Newmarket, Canada

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


(deactivated member)
on 2/21/14 5:37 am

thank you so much, Leanne. You are my angel

on 2/21/14 5:47 am - Newmarket, Canada

 you're welcome

I hope it helped

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/22/14 1:58 am

have PCOS and was told by several specialists that RNY would be the best because it helps more with the hormonal aspect, and includes malabsorption.  Plus I think they will only do the sleeve in Ontario if there is a good reason why the RNY will not work.  Good luck!

(deactivated member)
on 2/22/14 2:11 am

Thanks for reply. I was up reading until morning hours yesterday :( As little as there is information on PCOS, there is even less on PCOS and VSG 

I did also find that RnY is a better choice for PCOS, as well as DS which does look better than RnY, but I guess I am just out of luck to get that as VSG. 

I am totally lost now. Got green light from all specialists yesterday except I don't know where that green light is leading :(

on 2/22/14 3:35 am

I'd really choose the DS over either the Sleeve or the RNY, especially with PCOS.  The DS will make a permanent, dramatic change in how your body chemistry works.

on 2/22/14 6:52 am - Newmarket, Canada

Like I said before... Advocate for yourself! Tell the Dr why you want vsg. There has been quite a few people that have had VSG. The more research you can find, the better. 

You can do this. Fight for what you want!!



BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


(deactivated member)
on 2/22/14 7:23 am

there is truly not a lot of info by doctors on vsg and pcos :(

will see how internist appointment goes

thanks for support

on 2/22/14 2:40 am
VSG on 01/27/14

I am about 3.5 weeks post-op VSG and have had PCOS since I was a young teen. One of the biggest reasons I chose WLS is so that I can lose weight to help with conceiving, and optimize my health to ensure a healthy pregnancy. The surgery I felt most comfortable with was the VSG. I just did not feel like RNY was a good fit for me. I am 30lbs down as of now and feeling great.


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