What the heck? I'm growing half a moustache.
Anyone else have some strange body hair happen after surgery? It's falling out of my head at an alarming rate, which I expected and luckily I had a lion's mane to begin with. But now I have dark hair growing on one side of my lip, noticeable enough that I knew it was there awhile ago, and last night my mom pointed it out to me. Is it hormones? Am I just going to be the bearded lady from now on? Urggh :\
lol I hope so too!
For sure shaving it is the worst way to go! Luckily with a bit of concealer/powder I can disguise it, so hopefully it doesn't get any darker or grow any thicker. I thought about waxing it today but once you start any kind of hair removal, you have to keep it up because there's no telling what will grow back :p
If you go for laser they'll make you shave it off before you go! I know this because I've had hair under my chin and on my neck for several years now, just kind of started in my mid-30's. I think it's basically an age thing. Surgery didn't change it, unfortunately. I usually either do tweezers or waxing. Laser helps for a while, but it just grows back again eventually. It is what it is. Sigh.
Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011 Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012 Surgery: Nov 7, 2012
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Have lots of experience due to my own hormonal problems, which I am hoping will improve with weight loss, but who knows? In your case it might be temporary but still you probably want to remove it. I would just use tweezers for now or a facial hair remover cream would work too. I agree - do not shave it!! I know it really sucks but its probably just because losing weight is effecting your hormone balance. Just deal with it for now and see how things go. Good luck!