Mood disorders after WLS

Sara F.
on 2/20/14 12:06 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

Hi everyone,

I have been coping with clinical depression for my entire adult life, and have some soft bipolar and OCD tendencies. What have been the experiences after WLS for others dealing with these conditions?

Thanks for sharing!


on 2/20/14 2:44 am - Canada

I too have "clinical depression", bipolar 2 and a little OCD!  I got my medication switched to "easy meltz" so I absorb them better.  I take Cipralex Easy Meltz for the depression and OCD (20 mg) and Saphris 5 mg. for the mood stabilizer, which is sublingual (melts under the tongue). This way I absorb the medication very well.  I have had no issues with depression since I switched to the "easy meltz".  Before I switched, I felt like they were not working as well.  I started to get "down" and wanted to sleep a lot.  Switching was the answer for me.  Hope this helps.

Referral Date: May 29, 2012;  TWH     Orientation: June 19,2012;     Nurse Practitioner Group Session and Social Worker Initial Assessment: September 25, 2012;     Nurse Practitioner One-on-One and Psych. Assessment: January 18, 2013;     Met with surgeon: March 8, 2013;     Pre-Op scheduled: June 20,2013;   Surgery scheduled: July 17, 2013!    Surgery Completed!



Sara F.
on 2/20/14 3:17 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! :)

on 2/20/14 4:24 am

i have a history of depression and PTSD and at my first follow up they made me see the psychiatrist, which turned out to be a good thing, because they were worried about a depressive relapse and they were right.

she (psych) sent a note over to my regular psych and she called me for an appt that day to talk about my mental status. i was reallllllly struggling in first few months after surgery with the mental/emotional stuff, so overall, im glad they made me that appt with her, or i might have went longer than i should have without seeing my doc.

Sara F.
on 2/21/14 12:06 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

Thanks for sharing your story - I appreciate it. I will make sure that I take advantage of any help they can provide.

I hope you're doing well now!


Referral: June 2012 Orientation: October 2012 CT Scan: February 2013 Dietician: March 6 2013 Social worker: March 6 2013 Endoscopy: March 28 2013 Internist: April 3 2013 Psychologist: April 3 2013 Pancreatic ultrasound, MRI, biopsy: May-August 2013 Surgical consult: October 1 2013 Repeat biopsy: January 22 2014 PATTS: March 13 2014 Surgical date:  March 17 2014!!



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