Dr. Dennis Hong - feedback?

Sara F.
on 2/20/14 12:09 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

Hi all,

My surgeon for my RNY is going to be Dr. Dennis Hong. I get the distinct impression that he doesn't like me. No matter how many times I ask, he will not call me by my first name, and he comes off as quite cold and dismissive. I know it doesn't matter - all that matters is that he takes good medical care of me - but I am wondering how others have found him to be.


on 2/20/14 4:20 am

just saw him yesterday for some follow up.

he's certainly not warm and fuzzy, but i think he does a great job. i had some abdo pain and he really wanted to get to the bottom of it for me. i think that's what matters most, is that they take good care of you medically.

he also called me Miss, not by my first name which is sort of odd but also professional.

when i had my surgery, he was over an hour EARLY which i think is unheard of. i felt unready emotionally, and he talked me down before i went in for surgery. i really appreciated that.

Sara F.
on 2/20/14 4:22 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14

Thanks so much - that makes me feel better. :)


on 2/21/14 3:48 am

I had a DS surgery with Dr. Hong a month ago. I was nothing but completely impressed with his skills, style and professionalism. Maybe just shake it off and give it another try?  I would also consider too, that although you would prefer to be called by your first name, some people just aren't comfortable with that. 

Dr. Hong is extremely experienced and considered to be one of the best. I did some research prior to my surgery and I consider myself to be very lucky to have been given him as my surgeon. 

Best of luck! :)

Sara F.
on 3/3/14 5:39 am - Canada
VSG on 03/17/14


Referral: June 2012 Orientation: October 2012 CT Scan: February 2013 Dietician: March 6 2013 Social worker: March 6 2013 Endoscopy: March 28 2013 Internist: April 3 2013 Psychologist: April 3 2013 Pancreatic ultrasound, MRI, biopsy: May-August 2013 Surgical consult: October 1 2013 Repeat biopsy: January 22 2014 PATTS: March 13 2014 Surgical date:  March 17 2014!!



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