What are you eating/doing today

on 2/17/14 8:34 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Had great walks on the weekend. The weather yesterday was awesome. My husband dog and I went for a long walk along the beach. I only got in 9625 steps. I should have kept going until I hit 10, 000 but just too lazy. As it was I was almost puling my dog up the street going home.

Back to work today.

B greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

L chili, oopsie bread, apple

S skim milk and protein powder

D roast beef, carrots, salad

S SF pudding

Cal 948, carb 88, prot 96

Have a good day everyone





on 2/17/14 8:43 pm

So glad you got this started Pat.....Vertigo and a cold has got me down.....will try to post my eats later






on 2/17/14 10:13 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hope you feel better. You had such a busy week planned.






on 2/17/14 9:47 pm - Newmarket, Canada

Good morning :D

3.5yrs post-op, RNY, maintaining

Snow snow and mooorrrre snow. It's snowing pretty good here. I hope the neighbour comes over to clean out our driveway with his loader. I still can't shovel the driveway. There is so many things I want to do, but can't still. I actually have someone coming to my house today to clean for me. Believe me, It's is soooo hard for me to have someone have to come clean my house cuz I can't :( (I am a cleaner) My recovery is #1 tho; it's just taking longer then I was hoping for. 

B- oatmeal,

S- yoguart

L- soup or salad... taking my friend to the pub for lunch

S- tiny slice thin crust pizza, chicken wing

D- I will decide shortly

S- not sure yet 

Getting in vitamins and liquids

Have a great day everyone :D

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/17/14 10:14 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

At least you can stay in warm and dry. I am frozen from getting to work. And so slow!





on 2/17/14 9:47 pm - Canada

Good Morning All!!


New carb reducing tip I am trying this week....cauliflower mash...mmmm. Lowers my carb intake and my calories, but gives me the good mashed potato taste I love.


B - Protein Shake with a tall blonde (Starbucks)

S - Hardboiled egg

L - Chicken breast roast with Bacon (Marc Angelo brand) with green beans and mash

S - Honey on the bottom greek yogurt

D - Meat loaf with boiled carrots and mash

S - No sugar added cherry pomegranate jello cup

Total Calories - 664

Fat - 18g

Carbs - 31g

Protein - 85 g


Have a great day everyone!

Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


on 2/17/14 10:29 pm

Morning Barb and everyone. Had a great 3 day weekend..

B- greek yogurt, tea.

S- 4 melba rounds and laughing cow triangle.

L- 3 oz turkey, 3 table spoons of corn and 2 table spoons of dressing with 2 table spoons of gravy.

S- protein bar.

D- turkey lettuce wraps (2 )..

S- cheese string and some grapes..

Have a great Tuesday guys...Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/17/14 10:39 pm - Canada
RNY on 08/30/13

5 months post op

I went for a 5km hike yesterday with the dog and I am sore today and I like it. Having mobility back is one thing but I am in need of stepping up activity to take it to the next level. I was axe throwing last night too and I have so much fun doing that. 

Vitamins are good, water is good. Tracking food better, trying to stay in check.

B- Kashi Go Lean, milk, banana protein powder

S - Edamame

L - Soup, plain protein powder

S- protein bar




Referral: July, 2012 Orientation TWH: November 12, 2012 NP/SW: March 25, 2013 Sleep Study: April 15, 2013 Nutrition Class: April 16, 2013 Dietitian: June 19, 2013 Psych: June 25, 2013  Dr OkrainecAugust 2, 2013  PATTS: August 9, 2013 Surgery Dr. Urbach: August 30, 2013

(deactivated member)
on 2/18/14 2:21 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Bad day so far but I hope it will improve.

B oatmeal, raisins and almond milk

snack (okay here goes) Tim Hortons peanut butter cookie and if that was not bad enough an orange whole wheat muffin and margarine.  and a black coffee

lunch veggie soup, 3/4 oz light Havarti  cheese and 2 finn crisp

S- homemade hamburg stew and small sweet potato.

s vanilla greek yogurt. All vits and water.

I hope everyone has a great day.  

on 2/18/14 3:01 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Must be the snow. I have had a hard time today as well





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