Looking Forward - Success!

on 2/16/14 12:30 am - Canada
Well my friends, today is a good day. I find it really hard to see how far I've come - always seeing how much further I have to go. Alas, I will share some great news!

I'm 6 months post op (Feb 14) and I weigh in at 199. I am down 101 and no longer see 2__ ! It has not sunk in. I have 39lbs to go for my goal (I'm 5'11". I'm a size 14, which I thought would be a 12, and my tops are a large. I've lost 60 inches all over

What is crazy is that I am training for triathlons - my legs look like an Olympians lol and I can run forever. Oh and I'm getting looks from men - which throws me off.

Anyway, question time! No sure if I am in a slight stall or it's just slowing down but any advice on nutritional breakdown/ calories is appreciated. I try to keep my carbs low but I'm still between 800-1000 cals per day. Is this okay? Thanks!


on 2/16/14 2:33 am


i do not have any words of wisdom as I am just starting out. But I wanted to say CONGRATS! You have done a great job and I wish you luck for the rest of your journey. 



on 2/16/14 3:09 am - Canada
Aw thank you so much! To you as well!
on 2/16/14 3:14 am - Newmarket, Canada

What centre are you with?

At 6months out (I am thru TWH), my nut told me to eat 1000-1200 calories. I still kept my carbs low, 50-80g per day (even tho she told me to eat up to 150g carbs, I did not! I even told her she was nuts) I aimed for 100-120g protein everyday.

Are you tracking your foods? I used fitday.com. It has a "pie chart" and I used the 40%/30%/30% (daily totals) rule (protein/carbs/fats) I generally aimed for 50% protein/ 25% carbs / 25% fats

many people use my fitness pal to track what they are eating and drinking.

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/16/14 8:24 am - Canada
Hi Leanne, I'm through Hamilton and I think 1000-1200 is what I was expecting. I will have to change things up to get te protein count and the carb count is fine - 150 is ridiculous!

Thank you very much - this is what I was looking for. Oh right, I use myfitnesspal and I was totally aiming for 40/30/30, shoot, I'll aim for the 50/25/25.
on 2/16/14 9:16 am - Newmarket, Canada

I agree that 150g carbs is ridiculous. I don't usually come close to that number. And if I do, it's very rare. 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/16/14 5:58 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Well done! 

May I ask what you are doing for exercise? I am not close to surgery but am trying to research and have my plans in place! 

on 2/16/14 8:29 am - Canada
Thanks! I was really active before surgery and credit that for bouncing back. I did a transgression. I did low impact - hot yoga, walking, spinning. Now I do body pump, swim (which is great pre-op), run and spin. I do yoga occasionally to maintain flexibility and mindfulness for competing. I know a lot of focus is on food which is correct but fitness is so crucial for building muscle and skin tone. I don't want to insult anyone but I've seen some WLS ppl who do nothing, like nothing and still look overweight and their skin is sags badly ( of course depending on pre weight).

Good luck!
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