busted plateau

on 2/16/14 12:23 am

Well I got on the scale this morning and what do I see??? WEIGHT LOSS!!!! yup finally!!! thanks birdiegirl for your sage advice. I am so close now to goal I can see it and smell it 18 lbs to go. I am feeling so motivated right now. I have struggled with this last 15 lb for several months. Gotten crap from the nurse at hrrh, for only losing a half a pound a week, man I tell you they made me feel like crap.... but it is onwards and downwards now. All the best wishes to all who are struggling... my advice listen to Birdiegirl. Maybe you could repost that tidbit when you have time , it is so worthwhile


on 2/16/14 1:08 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad you broke your stall. The nurse you gave you a hard time is an idiot.





on 2/16/14 1:13 am - Newmarket, Canada



I agree with Pat!! Especially since you are less then 20lbs from your goal... Don't let them make you feel like crap!! Half a lb is better then no weight loss or gaining. You just keep at it and you will be at your goal sooner then you think :D

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 2/16/14 12:11 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

WTG! Good for you! I am frustrated as well, loosing very very slowly and have 40 to go. Love to hear what birdiegirl suggested. 


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 2/16/14 7:34 pm

...lol...I went on a bit of a rant re carbs etc


I think the thing is, you have to realize you cant exercise your weight away....its great for your general well-being.....and it may help you burn a few more calories....but its "what you eat" that counts

Jus****ch the simple carbs.....they can really put you in a stall or have you lose too slowly during what should be your quick weight loss window


I read a statement the other day from a poster.....and it was so true.....he indicated that from his experience what de-railed people the most were crackers.....and I agree with him.....they are sliders and can be very difficult to stop at just 1 or 2.......and you don't think they are as bad as chips and junk......but really they are mostly junk....white processed carbs fat and salt.....yeah that's why we like them so much...lol


If you want to read the whole post....I think it was a week or so ago....you could find it by looking at my latest posts......


Renee - I am so glad it helped you......and Annette I hope it helps you as well....hindsight is so much easier then foresight!






on 2/16/14 11:28 pm

Also important was water, vits and sleep. Pay attention to the 30 min rule as well ( I was told by the nut ..anh dont worry about it , if you can drink with food then do it) HUH?? I was thinking. Dont take every word from the nut as golden


on 2/17/14 1:51 am

Good for you Reenie...Congrats.....Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


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