One amazing year post-op with pics

on 2/12/14 8:52 am - Canada

I used to think I would NEVER be making my one year post-op post as it all seemed soooo far off but here I am!! So on February 28th I will be one year post-op. I had my surgery with Dr. Raiche at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. I ended up having a very serious leak the next day and ended up staying a week in the hospital with multiple transfusions...very scary but I would do it all over again in a heart beat.

Not a day goes by where I don't feel so grateful lucky and blessed to be in the physical and mental state that I am in right now. I have lost an amazing 166 lbs since last year and to get to my goal (which may change) of 175 only 24 more to go and I woke up in ONDERLAND today!! I am no longer living my life on the sidelines and watching things pass me by. My daughter will be 3 in April and will only remember me as I am now- her fit, healthy and happy mama. I feel unstoppable every day. I well up with tears often when I think of how miserable and sick I was and how far I have come. It is still so crazy to be able to walk into ANY store and buy clothes that fit me, I wear heels almost everyday (because I can!) and cross my legs any chance I get! I have said this before and I will say it again this surgery saved my life and I will always be grateful. Surgery wasn't a risk for me because I knew that if I continued on the path that I was on a stroke or heart attack were imminent. This site has been invaluable to me and I thank everyone for your support along the way.






on 2/12/14 9:23 am - Whitby, Canada

You really do look incredible - you are a great role model to not only your daughter, but to the rest of us on the board. Congratulations!


Referral: May 25th, 2013 / Orientation: June 17th. / Dr. Glazer: Sept. 3./ RN/RD/SW: Sept 5./ Follow up SW October 4 / 2nd appt with Dr. Klein: Oct 30 / Surgery date: Jan 15



on 2/12/14 10:44 am - Canada

Thanks so much!



on 2/13/14 8:46 am

WOW you look great !!!


on 2/12/14 9:40 am


    Referred September 2012, HHRH Orientation December 2012, Meet with surgeon January 2013, Meet with and testing with Dr Glazer May 2013, PATTS July 4, 2013 - 325lbs, Surgery HRRH August 1st, 2013 - 299lbs, second surgery late August 2nd to drain fluid, Discharged August 5th - 294lbs, reached 1/2 way to goal at 16 wks, MOM of three kids, married for 13 years :)



on 2/12/14 10:46 am - Canada




on 2/12/14 10:00 am - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 03/12/13

Awesome job-congrats!!

I had Dr. Raiche on March 12th, so my year is coming up soon too, lol!

I feel like you are saying all of the thoughts in my daughter will be 4 in March & I am so happy to be able to do so much more with her & be an awesome role model for her :)

Good luck with your continues success!!


Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon  Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!

The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

on 2/12/14 10:47 am - Canada

Thanks! Congratulations to you too!



on 2/12/14 10:00 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You have worked so hard and it shows. Congrats on all your success





on 2/13/14 6:35 am - Canada

Thanks a lot!



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