What are you doing/eating today ( Friday)

on 2/13/14 7:08 pm

RNY 4 Years 10 Months Post Op


Meeting my trainer this morning for another modified work out....3 weeks today since my fall....very slow improvement

STEPS - 9850


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


S - 1/2 pure protein bar


L - Thai chicken chop salad


D - 4 oz. beef tenderloin

    1 cup Caesar salad

    1 fingerling potato

    couple of bites of whatever I pick up for valentines dessert

    glass of chardonnay


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,445,  Carbs - 99 grams,  Fat - 70 grams,  Protein - 82 grams


All water....vits

Have a great one   






on 2/13/14 7:37 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Good morning Barb. It is so hard training while injured. I know your trainer will make sure you’re easing your way back into it!

10 weeks +

Up at 3:45 – that is what I get for hitting the sheets at 8:30!

I have a very busy day today. Three house showings for two different clients. Glad work is picking up. One thing about this business is, you’re either busier than a one armed paper hanger or completely dead. Hard to get used to it after 23 years in Corporate where you’re always busier than a one armed paper hanger!

B- cheese veg omelette

S- hummus celery

Lunch –hardboiled egg, pickles (sodium reduced dills)

S- 2 laughing cow light wedges, 3 pieces of melba

Dinner –turkey quinoa, baby carrots

FITNESS PAL Calories 1034 Carbs 49 Fat 52 Protein 88

Have a good one friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/13/14 7:43 pm

lol,,,yup, hurry up and wait






on 2/13/14 8:22 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. One of these days I should try a trainer. I need some upper body strength. I though I did a lot of walking yesterday but it turned out it was only just over 6,600. I need to get some serious steps in this weekend.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l chili, apple

s chick peas

d smoked brisket with cheese, key lime tart

s wine

These totals are high for me but I am being realistic as to what I will eat. I hope to not make it higher

cal 1433, carb 115.6, prot 80





on 2/13/14 9:33 pm

Hi Pat

I think your totals look great.....and yes realistic.....and you are in maintenance.....


I love having a trainer.....sometimes I look at the cost and wonder.....but I just don't want to injure anything lifting.....even if you had someone show you a program and how to increase the weights so you don't hurt yourself....might be a great investment......






on 2/13/14 9:06 pm

It must be hard for you Barb.You are so active..I wish you well...Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/13/14 9:34 pm

Thanks Krista

....yes I hate inactivity......I feel my best right after a good work-out......


You are doing so well.....soon you will be at goal!






on 2/13/14 10:33 pm

Thanks Barb. Its hard to believe ..I feel very healthy and happy..Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/13/14 9:12 pm


B- tea and Greek yogurt.

S- plain rice cake.and some fruit.

L- 2 turkey meat wraps with LF cheese.

S- protein bar.

D- chicken and steamed veggies..

S- not sure.. Grocery night tonight..

Have a great Friday everyone...I am taking Monday off WOO HOO. 3 DAYS OFF ....Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/13/14 11:38 pm - Newmarket, Canada

Good morning everyone :)

3.5yrs post-op, RNY, Happily maintaining 

I met with DrNanda yesterday; I have to go back for another follow-up on March 6th. He said he will likely be giving me more time off due to my open wound. 

I am having a relaxing day today. I will venture out in a little while to get my hubby a Valentine's card and a small gift. 

B- 2 soft boiled eggs, on weigh****cher toast and a coffee (haven't really been able to enjoy coffee since my surgery)

S- activia yoguart

L- salad with tomato, cheese and ranch dressing

S- fibre bar, protein shake

D- We are having pizza tonight

S- dunno yet

getting all my vitamins and liquids in

Have a great day everyone!!


BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


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