Day 3 of a miserable headache.

on 2/12/14 11:04 pm - Port Hope, Canada
RNY on 12/19/13

Every morning for the last three days I have been suffereing through a really miserable headache.  The last two days, I can say that I have been in an unexplainable miserable mood.  I'm usually pretty happy go lucky and even when I'm feeling a little cranky, able to put on a happy face and get through the day with a smile on my face.  The last two days, I just want to curl up in a ball and have everyone leave me alone!  I'm not depressed, I'm just grumpy really.

Could this be surgery related?  It's strange, cause I can't tell whether the headache is causing the grumpies, or if they are two seperate issues.


Surgery Scheduled for December 19, 2013.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/14 11:26 pm

I think it's weather related. I felt like I hit a brick wall right from the moment I wake up for the last three days, same with my husband.

on 2/12/14 11:32 pm - Port Hope, Canada
RNY on 12/19/13

Thanks I wondered!

We apparently had an earthquake here last night (small one) but I'm sure that all the changes in the weather and the fluxuation in the barimetric pressure could just be the reason!

Surgery Scheduled for December 19, 2013.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/14 11:38 pm

we are sensitive to it :) I almost got divorced two days ago out of the blue (lol) and then yesterday it was like nothing ever happened. Scary thing, weather change :)

on 2/13/14 12:14 am - Toronto, Canada

Are you taking anything for it? When I was first out, Tylenol worked wonders (and I was a migraine sufferer prior to surgery). I found that during malabsorption, some medicines worked really fast.

Also, you are in the rapid weight loss stage, this makes people get headachy at times. Make sure you are getting all your water in, as dehydration is also a culprit.


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 2/13/14 12:34 am - Canada

This could TOTALLY be surgery-related.


There are three factors that affect us females when it comes to headaches and migraines - hormones and caffeine.


Well, the weather is also a factor - but that gets everybody without discriminating!

As you rapidly lose weight, you are also rapidly losing fat - and fat is where our estrogen is stored. Many of us experience miserable headaches around period-time, or later on as menopause sets in - the same would happen as you lose fat.

And many of us need just a little bit of caffeine to keep a really bad headache at bay  -it works wonders for me. When a headache startss up, I have a quick (and small) jolt of caffeine with a shot of children liquid Tylenol, and I am good to go within 15 minutes. 

on 2/13/14 12:36 am - Canada

And the caffeine would help me learn to count as well ...!

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