What are you doing/eating today ( Sunday)

on 2/8/14 7:11 pm

RNY  4 Years 10 Months Post Op


Had a great time last night.....ended up with some diver scallops...low cal and delicious.....watched a wedding on the beach while we dined.....golf tournament today .....I have guests so I will be trying to play.....


STEPS - 7800



B - Premier protein shake


S - 3 oz pecan crusted chicken breast


L - 1/2 small roast beef and cheddar wrap


D - 4 oz pork loin with carmelized apples

     2 bites of au gratin potatoes

     small green salad with full fat balsamic on the side

     3 bites of cheese cake with fresh strawberries

     5 oz glass of chardonnay


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,208,  Carbs - 68 grams,  Fat - 48 grams,  Protein - 93 grams


All water......decaf coffee ....all vits

Have a great one  






on 2/8/14 9:33 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. Sounds like a great night. I got in 10800 steps yesterday. After a lazy week this was great. Yesterday morning the sun was out, I was dressed warm and I just enjoyed being on the beach with the dog. I would have kept walking but at one point I looked back to make sure the dog was still with me and realised a cold wind out of the west had come up. This means I would have had to walk into it to go home. So reluctantly started home. Moved up to Queen st to get away from the worst of the wind. Days like yesterday make me almost enjoy winter. Unfortunately we are back to the cold grey today. I am going to church this morning to help with a book sale. This should give me some weight lifting.

I did a lot of cooking yesterday. Some chili, granola, mushroom soup and chicken tacos. Didn't realise I was out of split peas so will make the ham soup today. I love having small portions in the freezer for a grab for work.

b 2 eggs, bacon 1/2 slice toast (this is huge for me)

l chili (may change this to mushroom soup)

s skim milk, mint protein shake

d chicken stir fry with broccoli, mushrooms and peppers

s silhouette yogurt.

cal 1056, carb 79, prot 95

Seems weird that fitbit lists chicken as having 12 grams of carb





on 2/8/14 11:07 pm

Pat I am with you on loving a nice cold day with lots of sunshine......how nice to walk on the beach with your pooch.....and great steps






on 2/8/14 9:38 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Hope you can join in on the golf game. Injuries are no fun!

9 weeks +

B- fried egg, Canadian bacon 2 slices

S- iogo raspberry greek, all max protein powder

Lunch –1/2 c special k with protein, ½ c milk

S- ½ c cottage cheese

Dinner –hamburger patty – mustard, pickle, purple onion

FITNESS PAL Calories 781 Carbs 53 Fat 24 Protein 88

Have a good one friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/8/14 11:07 pm

I love your breakfast - often have it for dinner...






on 2/8/14 10:57 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

8 Months + Post OP


Good morning everyone.

Another gray and cold snowy day here...


B- Protien coffee, 1/4 cup FF cottage cheese 1/4 cup Source peach yogurt

L- Beef soup w/ purple GMO free barley and veggies

S- 2 oz chicken w/ Franks Sweet Chili Thai Dipping Sauce ( I put that S**T on everything...LOL)

D- baked trout w/ Kale salad/poppy seed dressing.

1/4 cup greek yogurt w/SF pudding mix and 2 graham crackers (Almost like having cheesecake)


Have a great day everyone!








on 2/8/14 11:08 pm

mmmm...Franks sweet chili thai sauce....sounds wonderful......I also love sirraacha ( sp) sauce......sure spices up our food






Onward and

on 2/8/14 11:08 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Enjoy yourself Barb!  I'll just sit here in the snow and be jealous. ;)

My son has been visiting his dad this weekend, so we had the place to ourselves yesterday and Friday (although we were both working on Friday). He's coming home this afternoon sometime, so I'm just hanging around the house today, getting housework and laundry done. 

Although I don't have my Wii Fit scale anymore, I'm using this ancient bathroom scale that isn't overly accurate. But it still has me hovering just under 180 lbs (and I remember it weighing me slightly heavier than the Wii Fit did), so I think I'm maintaining all right.  Still having a hard time tracking and planning during family chaos, which continues, and not always making the best food choices, but I'm still following the rules not too badly, and making up for it when I fall off the wagon.


B - 1/4 cup chicken spread on rice crackers and a puffed corn tostada

S - 1/2 cup no sugar added homemade berry cheesecake ice cream (made with low fat cheese, but also some half-and-half cream, so I have to be careful of portion sizes on this one)

L - 1/2 cup ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix topped with 1/2 cup frozen berries

S - Protein bar

D - Chicken breast with a couple of tablespoons of mashed potatoes and 1/4 cup of steamed green garbanzo beans

S - 1 cup skim milk, 1/4 cup of chicken spread with a corn tostada

TOTALS: 112g protein, 34g fat, 90 carbs, 9g fiber, 1125 calories

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 2/8/14 11:15 pm

Sounds like you are doing great Michelle....life is rarely perfect....and finding balance can be diffiuclt....but I think if we get there 75% of the time its great






Onward and

on 2/8/14 11:20 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Thanks Barb, you're so right.  It's important, as you say, to find that balance even when life is difficult, because there's always going to be some challenge or other. Life is rarely smooth. 

Really appreciated your "It's What You Eat" post, by the way.  It was excellent. 

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


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