What are you doing/eating today ( Saturday)

on 2/7/14 8:58 pm


RNY  4 Years 10 Months Post Op


Resting my back again today......I really miss my golf......celebration dinner this evening at my fav restaurant on the beach


STEPS - 4850



B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 3 oz pecan crusted chicken


D - 5 oz sea bass

     Couple bites of veg

    1 piece of hot sourdough

    2-3 bites of DH's cake

    glass of champagne


S - Greek yogurt

     Triscuits (4) and cheese


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,481,  Carbs - 107 grams,  Fat - 51 grams,  Protein - 107 grams


All water....vits

Have a great one    






on 2/7/14 9:30 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Hi Barb

I know what it's like to miss doing a sport you love. I have my Brown Belt in Karate and had to quit due to my weight/physical state - I was afraid to go to a Black Belt grading as I knew I'd struggle.

I hope you're on the mend! Enjoy your celebrations tonight.

9 weeks +

B- iogo raspberry greek, all max protein powder, frozen strawberries, blueberries

S- babybel light, grimm’s turkey pepperette

Lunch –hard boiled egg, pickles and light medium cheddar (40% less fat)

S- hummus baby carrots

Dinner –quinoa turkey meatloaf, asparagus

FITNESS PAL Calories 1055 Carbs 60 Fat 50 Protein 108

Have a good one friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/7/14 10:58 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

With your great weight loss you should be ack at it in no time





on 2/7/14 11:06 pm

I hear you re quitting a sport you love because of your weight.....I played little golf for the 2 years preceding surgery....too embarrassed at my SMO body and too much sweating and huffing and puffing.....now I get to wear really cute golf clothes.....and walk the course pulling my bag and cart....with a spring in my step.....you will get there!!






on 2/7/14 11:02 pm, edited 2/7/14 11:03 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hot sour dough sounds awesome. My problem would be eating just one. I just spent the last hour trying to find something interesting for dinner with ground chicken. Found something but will problemly change my mind. So for now i am listing this

b greek yogurt, granola, cranberries

l moo chu pork I made , pear

s protein bar

d eggface chicken nuggets with dipping sauce

cal 794, carb 59, prot 75

I will add more after I shop today. Fridge pretty empty. I also need to do some cooking for the freezer. Running our of meals





on 2/7/14 11:08 pm

Well I think you know that bread is my weakness also.....I will have it at a restaurant because I can control myself with one piece.....and only if I know its really good bread.....maybe even some butter on it.....cant buy it and bring it home....it would be gone in a day






on 2/8/14 1:19 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

On my walk this morning I went by two bakeries. One that has great garlic loaf. All I could think about was your sour dough bread. I was so glad I had no money with me LOL.





on 2/8/14 1:50 am

Note: I am pre-op

All I want to eat lately is chili chili chili - it is ridiculous.  I've had it nearly every day for lunch on weekdays for the past 2 months. And sometimes, I have it for dinner too.  I made a large amount of turkey chili and froze most of it for later.  It tastes even better after being frozen lol.  No chili today though as I am out - time to buy more fixins at the grocery store.  Here is the recipe in case anyone is interested - I used shirataki noodles sometimes, but mostly have it plain or with green onion and liberte plain greek yogurt, a little cheese:  http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/cincinnati_turkey_chili.html

B - 2 slices low carb cinnamon raisin toast (1g/slice) with peanut butter, butter

S - 3 cups Decaf tea (drank separately from the food - I am getting better at this)

L - 2 kidney bean burritos on lc tortillas (2g/tort), cheese, grk ygurt

S - Quest bar after my workout at the gym ( I like the apple pie one)

D - fast-fry pork with yellow wax beans

S - Crystal light

I am really really really sick of this snow...we deserve an early spring!


Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 2/8/14 1:55 am - Newmarket, Canada

Good afternoon!! 

I am mostly resting today :)

I have had some more complications :( I was back to Scarborough ER yesterday. I noticed this week, an open wound... GAH!! It wasn't there before Tuesday. When the nurse came on Tuesday night, she cleaned it up and stuff. The wound care nurse came on Thursday and checked things out, then I had issues. My gut told me that it was a wise decision to go and the ER doc said I made the right choice. He called Dr Nandagopal (he was in the OR) and told him I was there and my dilema. He instructed the ER doc to remove my remaining drain and good thing he did, cuz it was mostly blocked. He also gave me another perscription for an antibiotic.

I was fortuante enough to see Dr Nandagopal while I was waiting for my meds. He was on his way to his office and stopped to chat with me. I have to go down again on Thursday for a follow-up for my wound. I am VERY grateful he is my surgeon! His care has been impecible.

My parents-in law came up today, DH and his dad are out for a snowmobile ride and I'm hanging out with my m-i-l. She is baking cookies and taking care of some chores around the house, I still can't do much for housework. I am soooo grateful that I have great family and friends to help me!! 

I am getting in all my vitamins and liquids. 

B- 1 OE egg, toast, homefries, bacon

L- 1/2 croissant sandwich... ham, cheese and tomato

D- Ma says we are going out for dinner... I will probably have soup or something with Chicken

snacks- homemade cookies (can't resist, my m-i-l makes yummy cookies), Fibre bar, not sure what else 


I think I am gonna go have a nappy-poo now.. :D Trying to rest as much as I can.

Have a FABULOUS day everyone



BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


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