Hiatal hernia??
My stomach scope has revealed that I have a hiatal hernia. Has anyone else been told this after a scope? Does this mean I can't have rny surgery? Or can they fix both while they are in there?
I should add that I got a last-minute cancellation from a new doctor I was referred to - that is why I got the scope so soon when I was told there was a backlog of a year before. Was so surprised and happy I did a little dance...lol

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
I have one and depending on how bad it is they may not do anythng. I had surgery and becuse mine was small they didn't do anythng with it.
Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG

on 2/1/14 1:37 am - Canada
Sorry to hear this Zizzler, hopefully you can get this remedied either before or after surgery. Was curious though...I remember you posting that the specialist in Ottawa you were referred to had gone on mat leave and you might not be able to get the scope for a year. How did you remedy this? I will be having my scope in Ottawa, and when I last went to the bariatric centre in Kingston I tried to get the name of the doctor to see if it was the same one. They didn't have a name just that the referral was thru Ottawa civic. Thanks.
I asked my family doctor to re-refer me because of her backlog of a year plus she was going on mat leave too. I followed up by leaving several email messages via her receptionist explaining my concern and asking for the name of the new doctor so I could follow up on wait times myself. Last time they told me to call back in a week and they might have a name. We'll, before I could call them back I got a call from them and it turns out there was a cancellation Friday afternoon. I nearly started jumping up and down and a day later I had the procedure. I really think sometimes you get lucky as I did not do anything other than follow up with my family doc. My advice would be to follow up if you are concerned, maybe get the name of the doctor eventually and investigate the situation. Good luck to you - I know the waiting sucks.

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
on 2/1/14 5:06 am - Canada
It does indeed suck! I was like that with my sleep study...nothing followed by nothing. I got my family doctor to refax the form (I had gone to my doctor with sleep concerns even before starting the bariatric surgery waiting game merry go round) and she stated on the form that patient needs this done as she will be having bariatric surgery. Got a call the next day from the sleep people and had my sleep study 2 days later. Being proactive and persistent is the way to go I think! Do you need to take meds for your hernia that they discovered?
The doctor said I could take otc acid reducers but other than that to just avoid foods that give me problems such as coffee, soft drinks, and very spicy foods. I have cut out coffee and soft drinks already so that is no problem, but I really love spicy foods, so that will be a tough one. I totally agree with you that it is a good idea to follow up if you feel it is taking too long. I should have done so after a month of not hearing from the endoscopy doc but I figured I'd give it a bit more time. Not a good idea !! Next time I will investigate as soon as I notice it is taking longer than the doctor said it would to hear back. Hope you hear back about your scope soon traceoftrace...
on 2/1/14 9:26 am - Canada
Thanks Zizzler! I too have given up coffee and pop...coffee was tough!! But now, I don't even want one, its been almost 2 months and I don't think I would like the taste anymore. its weird how you can acclimatize yourself to different things. I am supposed to give up chocolate next...think that will be even worse, I am sure close to 80 pounds or so of my body fat is a result of chocolate!!
May this journey pass quickly (or at least not TOO slowly) and mindfully for both of us!
Hardest for me has been eating little bites of food. Sounds simple but it is the hardest thing I have had to practice. I tend to gobble my food and that will not be possible after surgery so I want to get in the habit. Also the no drinking 30 mins before and after is not an easy habit to break. It is getting better though and hopefully will continue to become more natural...