on 1/24/14 2:24 pm

Hi Everyone  -

Sitting here reading through my nutrition guides and reading through the stages again,,,,,and thought of a couple of questions, if anyone has any suggestions - It'd be appreciated -

So great to catch up on the posts - envious of the ones leaving for the sun!! Enjoy!! It's on my Looking Forward To List...Vacation Comfortably again!! :)

Glad to hear everyone made it to the bench and are on the mend!! So Exciting!! Congrats!!

So my thoughts as I read through the Booklet again for HRRH ... in no real order...

1) What kind of cereal in minced stage soaked in milk ?? Or are they TEASING? have you tried?

I'm very nervous  about the puree and minced stages.... texture is a big factor for me - I mean, I will do it, but have started to try to plot what I would choose and what I would like.... but babyfood is out for me personally - i can do it...maybe the fruits.,..but i dunno....

2) I don't see many talk about Broccoli - Cauliflower - Turnip - Cabbage I'm thinking not because of the - no nice way to say it - the toot-factor,,,but I love the first 3 and are a big part of my life now...i could eat those pureed and minced all day long

3) Mixing foods - Example -  eggs and salsa etc ..groud beef with tomatoes etc ( like could I combine my minced meat with my potatoes and eat small bites? How long before you introduced them back into your way-of-life?....How did you get over your nervousness ..of getting sick or dumping?

Possibly silly questions to some - but thoughts that I am wondering about tonight...any advise - suggestions or happend-to-me situations - would love to read,.,.,

Embrace your Journeys!



Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

on 1/24/14 6:24 pm - North Bay, Canada

At pureed stage i ate meatloaf, mashed turnip, chili con carne. I just made sure they were soft, moist and i only ate a max of a 1/2 cup, took my time and i was fine, i am on soft food stage now. 

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


on 1/24/14 11:09 pm

Thanks so much G Mama D that is reassuring...Trying to preplan what I will want to try so this helps a lot.


Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

on 1/24/14 11:18 pm - elliot lake, Canada
Cereals, i did cream of wheat...nothing no sugar, and i loved let it.get soft first...tue only.thing other tzen junk food tht i now stay away some reason it does not.go down well. best of luck!!


on 1/25/14 10:03 am

I had mostly refried beans, chili and oatmeal/cream of wheat during those stages.

on 1/25/14 9:43 pm - Canada

I had all the above - anything that was mushed up was find with me.  Applesauce was great and cream soup too but they got a bit wearisome.  I got dumping with a tbsp of liverworst on a cracker.  My stomach is very sensitive and in the beginning it turned its nose up at almost everything - except yogourt and of course tea or coffee or milk.  I would never know from day to day how it would react and I could eat something on monday and be fine and eat the same thing on tuesday and it would throw me for a loup.  I have to say i didn't throw up when i got it but i had huge heart palpitations and extreme fatigue so i had to lie down for about two hours for it to pass - that would happen to various degrees from the time I was on the pureed stage - now it happens every so often.  I still have to be really careful about what I eat.

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